Photographs from the Bushmoot 2008

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Possibly Sargey taking pictures.
Thanks leon-1, I think your right.

I think they used it to test how sharp their flint knives were by shaving it or something.
Thanks Wayland, all makes perfect sense now. At one point it was sat looking at me whilst I was working my flint, it had its tongue sticking out! Probably thinking you'll never shave me with that! Anyone get a snap of that beast?
These pics of the Moot are a bit delayed as I only got my internet back the other day. I took a few more than these but some weren't really suitable for the site (too boring, not relevant etc.)
Some of them are coming up massive. I've tried re-sizing them several times to 640x480 but some just won't do it, I don't know why. Many apologies.


This is Twoflower using his rain-summoning bow. Every time we got this thing out it started raining within 5 minutes of setting up :rolleyes:


Doctor 'Sandsnakes' Rod. If this man can't get rid of your hangover then you're probably dead. He writes a good book too :)


Wayland telling the Naughty Corner a story round the fire. Can't for the life of me remember what it was about :o


My genius (ahem) method of suspending a can over the fire.
Don't do this - I really didn't think it through :D :rolleyes:


The obligatory shot taken with the camera at arms length while sitting around waiting for a pot to boil.


Marsh Samphire :)
I can't get enough of this stuff - I was having a portion of it with every meal for 2 days. There's fields of it growing around the site.


Common lizard seen basking during a walk across the dunes. I think it's a juvenile as it was the right time of year and this particular one was very small, about the size of my thumb.
First one I've seen in the wild so that was a nice moment for me :)

I thought I had more photo's worth showing but obviously not. Oh well, there's always next year!
Great photos there! I love the stagg chili balancing act! Maybe it would be safter if you just opening it a small crack and bent the ring pull up?

Im jealous of the lizard, i spent ages looking for adders. Ive never seen a snake in the UK and I knew the dunes were a great location for reptiles.
Great photos there! I love the stagg chili balancing act! Maybe it would be safter if you just opening it a small crack and bent the ring pull up?

Im jealous of the lizard, i spent ages looking for adders. Ive never seen a snake in the UK and I knew the dunes were a great location for reptiles.

Cooking in a tin can requires constant stirring, that's why it didn't work. A solid burnt lump at the bottom and cold watery mess at the top does not constitute a satisfying meal.

We saw two of those lizards in the space of 5 minutes, purely by chance. Afterward I was looking for sign of grass snakes by the stream that runs along the far end of the site but couldn't see any. I'm happy enough with my lizard moment though :D
I was going to ask "why shave it's natural coat off, and then give it a man-made one?" and then I read the thing on Wikipedia that said they're born hairless. Doh!

Yes they were bred hairless by the chinese who used them to put their bare feet on in bed, thus keeping the toes warm in the cold night. Genius!
I've finally got round to sorting out my moot photos, so here they are.

Switch starting how he means to go on

Switch and the good Captain

The Dunes

I was trying to take a serious shot of me in the dunes :rolleyes:

Switch collecting his dinner, marsh samphire

Look at all the free food!!!

The little lizard

Not as good as the shots that were taken at 4:30am but I had plenty of sleep

Sandsnakes preparing a light snack

Pretty little fella

First fire by friction! (sorry, I forgot who this is)

Switch looking like he knows how to handle a bow

Standard Camp shot Before...

...and after

And finally, we think this all translates to something like "I like to have a few strong ones then go race"
And to add to the overall scariness, I've just realised that's on the back of a lorry....
How were you guys eating the marsh samphire? My family tried some years ago and found it really strongly flavoured. Lovely set of memories you've photographed there!
And to add to the overall scariness, I've just realised that's on the back of a lorry....
How were you guys eating the marsh samphire? My family tried some years ago and found it really strongly flavoured. Lovely set of memories you've photographed there!

Just washed then boiled in a little water; no salt or butter. I prefer it without anything added, it's one of the few wild foods with a good strong taste of it's own.

BTW Twoflower, sorry I ruined your picture :p The look on your face was classic when you turned the camera round to see what you'd captured :lmao:
How were you guys eating the marsh samphire? My family tried some years ago and found it really strongly flavoured. Lovely set of memories you've photographed there!

As Switch said, just boiled in water as it has a lovely flavour to it. I'm not sure I want to add any more salt to it but wouldn't mind trying it with unsalted butter.

BTW Twoflower, sorry I ruined your picture :p The look on your face was classic when you turned the camera round to see what you'd captured :lmao:

Glad I could amuse you :D


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.