Open invitation arctic meet 2017

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Personally Id like to fly from Leeds, or Manchester, straight to Lulea, but am open to options. The driving thing has merits, more kit etc. but a llloooooooong drive.

This is one example from norwegian airlines, but having a look around, a lot of the cheaper flights, and most airlines fly straight to Stockholm Arlanda, where there is a 9 hour wait over.

This one has just a 2 hour 35 minute waitover in stockholm arlanda, before flying up to Lulea.

The tinder app works there Chris. :D

Really what we want is an earlyish flight, from manchester, 9.45am arriving mid afternoon lulea, 3:30pm. Which gives us a bit of time to shop. Get on a bus, to Porjus, get off at Porjus, camp or cheap hostel for the night, preferably, get kit sorted for carrying, get bus next morning, to Vetias.
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😂😂😂😂😂 thanks mate...👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌

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Personally Id like to fly from Leeds, or Manchester, straight to Lulea, but am open to options. The driving thing has merits, more kit etc. but a llloooooooong drive.

This is one example from norwegian airlines, but having a look around, a lot of the cheaper flights, and most airlines fly straight to Stockholm Arlanda, where there is a 9 hour wait over.

This one has just a 2 hour 35 minute waitover in stockholm arlanda, before flying up to Lulea.

The tinder app works there Chris. :D

Really what we want is an earlyish flight, from manchester, 9.45am arriving mid afternoon lulea, 3:30pm. Which gives us a bit of time to shop. Get on a bus, to Porjus, get off at Porjus, camp or cheap hostel for the night, preferably, get kit sorted for carrying, get bus next morning, to Vetias.

Realistically I think this is the way to go, the drive would work out a) more expensive b) a LOT longer and c) driving into unkown situations could lead to not getting there :)
Ive actually dug out another piece of kit Chris, which I'd forgotten about, but would fit you, [I think] as a perfect middle layer.

Its surplus and worn but the pile lining still works well. no rips etc.

You can borrow it if you want
Thanks mate I have enough kit really. Too much to be fare...😂😂😂😂

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Tinder in Vietas....well, technically it will work (I think) but perhaps you need to broaden your preferences...Hoofs optional.


Is this a really crazy idea???

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No - perfectly feasible:) See ....
Anything (almost) is doable, I've driven a couple of +\- 2000 mile trips in good weather, to make it easier and quicker and safer, and to keep costs down you'll need at least 2 shotguns imho

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Should or hope to be getting a 4x4 pick up December time???

Roads will be snowy, and in places icy. 4wd is nice, but not essential. Proper winter tyres is essential (required by law in Sweden, but a UK registered vehicle *may* be able to get away with not having them). The ideal is studded tyres (such as the excellent but somewhat pricy ), but modern "friction" (non-studded) winter tyres will work too.

As to route choices I suspect that staying on the E4 as long as reasonable will actually be faster than a more inland route shown on the map. but going further inland (e.g. E45 up to Arjeplog, and then making your way NE) would be a real treat for those who have not seen the Swedish inland much. But almost certainly much slower. if you go by way of Arjeplog make sure to stop in the Silver museum ( And potentially more moose/reindeer on the road.
I'd be up for the road trip with you Chris, as I could bring my Wooden showshoes. [48"]
Ash, I think might be buying the snowsled 60" pulk.........which he would not get on the plane.

I guess it would be the road trip of a lifetime. Id like to see some of that country. We'd have to stop off, and get B&B's. Iaint setting up a heavy canvas tent on the roadside every night.....:)

It might break the group up for the travelling, but were all big boys.........Would people get miffed? Dunno. Im past caring tbh....thats the joy of depression. LOL

Dunno. Depnds on how many you can fit in one vehicle.

Woud we get another vehicle, or would we get on the plane?

Again Dunno.

Let us know what work says mate. :)
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You do know it's going to put 4 to 5 days onto the trip for travel time, don't you ;)

EDIT: just read your edit, yes, it would be a great road trip ? How are you gonna balance that with days camping ? or is the road trip on top, so now looking at +/- 17 days :confused:
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Erm, I didnt.....which would cost more, but I'd be ok with that, as Im not sure Id ever get another opportunity to do a road trip. Plus Ive got all the free time in the world.
Planes are certainly a great option. Pure comfort etc. But I always go on planes and like to try different stuff.

We'd just set off earlier and still meet on the 23rd.

But a roadtrip......why not? I wouldnt be driving. Just dont want to pee people off, if the group has to meet over there. Instead of all travelling together.

[Im gonna have to sell my canoe, because i just cannot drive 9 hours to scotland anymore, without becoming so fatigued I have to stop and sleep. and its pointless having one unless you live somewhere close to a wilderness area is the conclusion Ive come to. The lake district arent a patch on somewhere like Adnamurchan]

Has to go to the group really. Would anyone be bothered if some of the group travelled up in a car? So long as we all met in porjus together? I dont see it being a problem?
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Erm, I didnt.....which would cost more, but I'd be ok with that, as Im not sure Id ever get another opportunity to do a road trip. Plus Ive got all the free time in the world.
Planes are certainly a great option. Pure comfort etc. But I always go on planes and like to try different stuff.

We'd just set off earlier and still meet on the 23rd.

But a roadtrip......why not? I wouldnt be driving. Just dont want to pee people off, if the group has to meet over there. Instead of all travelling together.

[Im gonna have to sell my canoe, because i just cannot drive 9 hours to scotland anymore, without becoming so fatigued I have to stop and sleep. and its pointless having one unless you live somewhere close to a wilderness area is the conclusion Ive come to. The lake district arent a patch on somewhere like Adnamurchan]

Has to go to the group really. Would anyone be bothered if some of the group travelled up in a car? So long as we all met in porjus together? I dont see it being a problem?

Cost, well that depends on how many in the car to split fuel at 4000 mile trip ( i know it's not all road ) at 50 to the gallon, it will cost £400, that is according to the online calculator, then you have ferries on top, still, with a few people in the vehicle, it will work out cheaper than flying, I have no problem either way, just saying, I can't get all that time :(
And B&Bs', and food.....Ok fairplay Al. Nothing set in stone yet. Just play it by ear mate. Im not sure Ash could get that much time off either by what he was saying? But we could take his pulk. It might work out a few in the car, a few on the plane, so long as we all get to porjus at the same time, I dont see a problem?

Wait for Chris, to see if he can get a vehicle first. [Never been on a ferry :)]
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Don't get me wrong, if a few want to go by car and if there's room for kit and Chris can and doesn't mind taking it, it could work out well, I would be happy to chip in a few quid towards fuel if it meant less kit on the plane and / or sending it to Greger ?


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.