Stands to reason. Probably told you before i was homeless for a while pre buggering off to get myself killed (yet another of my life's failures) Reckon the same worked for me. That and Northern blood. We are what we are. I excpect i'll be freezing my bottom off if manage another decade... until then, i'll just continue to steam from my head and fog up my glasses when its cold lol.I got roundly told off last week by a Doctor because I wasn't wearing boots, and hat and scarf and gloves.....I was sitting in a hospital and I was so warm that I'd taken my wool coat off.....and he's giving me a row.
I worked and played outdoors, I still prefer to be outdoors, honestly, I was too warm there. It was suffocatingly stuffily warm.
Anyhow, true story....many years ago I was pushing my eldest in a buggy and the wind was blowing right onto us. Winter, damp and cold and my hands were freezing. We passed an old lady (you ignore no one round here, it's just not done) and I said, "Aye, it's cold", and sort of commiserated. That old lady had no gloves on, and she took my hand and her hands were roasting hot.
"Worked in the dairy since I was 14, there's nae heat in a dairy".....and she was warm, she was more than warm.
She worked day in day out in icy cold water making butter and her hands and forearms were warm.
Humans adjust.