I gave it 'at home' test last night. It worked really well on the left over chilli I was warming up
I need to work on my fire lighting though. Ended up using matches and paraffin blocks (ssssh don't tell anyone)
I have to admit i have been using a jet lighter up until a few weeks ago, i still carry it as a back up.
But now only use a firesteel and try to get a fire going with only what you can find around you when your out and about. I carry a fire making kit in a plastic box, firesteel, tinder, strips of rubber, cotton soaked in linseed oil, birch bark and a couple of used Stanley blades. Going to have a go some time soon at making some char cloth.
If your wondering why the Stanley blades i use them to get the sparks on the firesteel they work really well, loads better than the striker that came with it.
One day the bow method perhaps.
I carry a Gerber Metolius folder in my rucksack for a backup, i really like that knife its decent enough quality, good grippy handle and has served me well. I cant comment on the BG range, but if its made by Gerber it cant be all that bad.