Multigender camping etiquette

No I'm not talking about chicks with bits. I normally hit the hills or the jungle on my own and when I go with friends, they're usually blokes.

Very occasionally, I have flirted with travelling with the softer gender. And this brings all sorts of problems.

For me the biggest thing is I like to travel very light. I spend evenings making or modding kit because I can't buy kit light enough in the stores. I pack the bare essentials. Recently I offered to take my wife with me. She needed so many unnecessary items like a wash kit, cosmetics, a bed roll and even a tent! :eek: So I packed my bad and I packed her bag. Mine was the size of her handbag and hers was at least half her body weight (she's about 90lbs). Of course, she expected me to carry it and I'm just not able to haul her cosmetics and my beer gut up a mountain while she frolicks around with a bottle or Evian and a parasol. So it never happened. She seems to think it was ungentlemanly. :confused:

What's the pack etiquette in your group?

What other issues do you have when travelling with friends of the opposite gender?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 7, 2007
East Lancashire
If SWMBO comes camping it is in an estate car with trailer. No way would she rough it.

It really isn't worth the hassle - you do your thing, she does her thing and it makes the relationship stronger by having time apart.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Everyone should carry their own kit unless seriously injured!

Even if it is your flame of the moment, you get off to a bad start and set a pattern of expectations which will get you into trouble in the long term.

If they come, they carry it. You might take the stove and the tent but you should draw the line at the make up, shampoo, deckchair and spare clothes.

That's why I go alone or with the dog mostly.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
You should not be associating with women, they will lead you into vice and DIY.

Thats just to start with.


Sep 2, 2005
I asked my other half if she would go camping and she said "only if you want me to be ugly and cry all the time!"
Her idea of roughing it would be a caravan.


May 2, 2004
Hey! We're not all the same you know. Whenever I've been involved with instructing on courses I always have the lightest load to carry. Unbelievable what some of you guys like to haul around with you!
I pride myself in being able to travel incredibly lightly because I know that I will have to carry it!!! :D


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Trick is to camp near to the car, near the toilet block and not too far from the shower block if she is anything like my missus. Her idea of roughing it is when the shower block is more than 30ft from the tent flap. But don't forget she makes a terrific hot water bottle if it turns chilly, again mine does, I put her bed between me and the door flap where the wind gets in.:p

The Joker

Sep 28, 2005
Surrey, Sussex uk
Hey! We're not all the same you know. Whenever I've been involved with instructing on courses I always have the lightest load to carry. Unbelievable what some of you guys like to haul around with you!
I pride myself in being able to travel incredibly lightly because I know that I will have to carry it!!! :D

Spot Most of the guys on here have to carry about half a ton of blades and thats just on there belt and thats not to mention the armchair and;)


Aug 3, 2008
Saltcoats, Ayrshire
Hey! We're not all the same you know. Whenever I've been involved with instructing on courses I always have the lightest load to carry. Unbelievable what some of you guys like to haul around with you!
I pride myself in being able to travel incredibly lightly because I know that I will have to carry it!!! :D

I think I'm in love, are you married, or into bigamy?
Ok coat is going on I'm just leaving.
We've got a little campervan for when the whole tribe comes along. Otherwise, when I'm in the bush it's just me or I'm with like-minded folks and we all carry our own stuff. Embarrassingly though, one of my hunting buddies, who happens to be a chick about half my age seems better organised than me! Here she is looking very organised.

Whenever I go out, I always seem to have something I don't really need. Still a bit of fine tuning me thinks. :rolleyes:
If it's not high comfort camping, my wife will just refuse to go, or if there is a chance of rain it's a no go. Air beds, electric cool boxs, tables and chairs etc etc. it takes an estate car and a roof box to take everything she wants. Still, I will admit to liking a bit of luxury now and again. Perhaps it's getting older, but the old Thermarest seems to be less comfortable with each passing year.


Sep 17, 2008
Just and estate car and a roof box - you don't know how lucky you are! This year the family holiday required an estate car, land rover and sankey. Okay I know the toddler requires a lot of kit...

Mind you I do like a nice airbed and douvet and the 8 berth Outwell is a nice tent!


Jul 24, 2008
I have personally found the same problem with both genders, some men are real softies and some women are pretty tough, it's a question of a square peg in a round hole, it ain't gonna fit. I once trekked with a man who refused to hold a dead rabbit ''because it was all furry'' and once with a woman who asked ''where are the toilets'', these days i'm more careful who tags along.

mark a.

Jul 25, 2005
I don't know many women who would go rough camping. But then I don't know many men who'd do that either. We mainly know about others because we come on here and this kind of forum usually attracts men way more than women.

Also, I've known of men who've gone rough camping nice and light, but then it was only light because they neglected to bring food, warm sleeping bag, etc.

Having said all that, my wife is usually pretty equal to me in terms of weight when we're out and about. We both know the importance and pleasure of keeping things as light as possible without forgetting the essentials.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.