I'll start off by saying I agree with you that this just a discussion between us with no ill will or insults intended.
Now down to the points you commented on:
-True the OP didn't specifically mention mangrove swamps or deserts. But so what? it didn'y exclude them either and that's where some of us do or have had some or most of our experience. I brought them into play to demonstrate hot climates such as you were talking about.
-I don't get into them much anymore for extended periods (haven't been to the desert at all in a few years now) but yes, at one time I did do long(ish) trips into both (a few days to a couple of weeks at a time) and nothing, absolutely nothing would have dried or been any better that what I was using clothing wise. As to a "wet/dry method, well yes it works for the first day or so until EVERYTHING is well and truly soaked. To be honest, as far as clothing goes, I rarely if ever use anything special that I don't simply wear every day. I DO try to adjust my clothing for the particulat climate. I.e. I wear different things here in Summer than I would in the Rockies in Winter. But in both cases, the clothing I wear when out hunting, fishing, canoeing, hiking, whatever, is the same clothing I'd be wearing anyway (some exceptions but not many)
-You mentioned "combats" as an alternative to blue jeans. I'm confused here. To me the term "combats" means a pair of military boots. Obviously that's not what you mean.
-True this thread is about discussing what's good. But that said it's also asking what we do; and I (like i suspect many) do is use what's to hand for clothing rather than buy something special just for this hobby. Not just because of cost, but frankly I'm just more comfortable in my daily wear (other equipment such as rucks/packs, canteens, etc. not so much so)