Barefoot Ramblings.
I have been in barefoot footwear in one form or another for the past three or four years.
Bar say the odd wedding/formal affair..

I am no expert this is simply my experience after a lot of hours.
The brands have been Vivo, Whitin and Vans with the odd other 0 drop thrown in.
Terrain wise its everything from pavement to woods to hills or a few days rock hopping fishin n snorkelling. There is also temperature to consider when going minimalist as there simply isnt the mass between your foot and a very cold planet.
I think there are a few things that are overlooked when thinking of dabbling in barefoot/0 drop.
Wear rate.
Barefoot shoes just cant be as hard-wearing as a traditional boot. There just isn't the mass/material in there to resist wear and tear. Yes uppers will last but lowers just wont wear as well.. With that in mind manufacturers are few and far between so prices are high, especially when it comes to a walking or outdoor style boot.
There isn't the insulation to keep you away from the earth in cold conditions. Yes you can add layers of socks and soles but then you are into a different size of boot and losing the bare feel foot quickly.
Foot conditioning.
Going bare foot will be a shock to the system if you are not used to it. I am not best sat to judge on this as I am a martial arts nerd so train in barefoot regularly,, but that is very different to your usual every day walk and or woods bimble. So add to that sharp stones under foot/arch, undulations, rocks, barnacles, just every day stuff really and it is a different longer game. Yes I have an advantage on this side but its still a learning curve.
I just cant go back to a big thick sole again. Dont get me wrong if we are into sub 0 conditions or hacking at a hill in cold weather then you just need to be further away from the earth lol.
You are lighter on your feet, faster to react when you slip (which you inevitably will - again learning curve) But that same feeling makes you drop your center and adjust faster when the whole foot can grip and sense the floor. When on uneven ground the grip is un paralleled as your feet can move around in a all panes.
The wear on your knees hips and ankles is spread through out your legs as you simply cant just thump heel/toe anymore. This means more care is needed in your gate and stride which helps to strengthen supporting muscles and ligaments.
Your feet are able to breath so much better than being crammed in to a boot.
Weight on foot.
They are a whole different weight class so moving is just easer.
Odd one but you also dont get as bogged down in mud due to softer rounder edges.
Crikey they are expensive as its simply not a mass-produced form of footwear. But it is getting there.
Gotta admit although Vivo have great customer services their durability is poor. Very poor. I love the Tracker but they fall to bits in no time at all. Yes still taking into account the above wear restrictions on material they are still poor. Same with the Withins and the others really but the cost being the largest divider.
Cold weather.
9 or 10 months out of the year I am in my glued up Vivo trackers so cant complain to much here but you learn to sock up or keep you feet off the floor when sited.
Marmite certainly but most would agree they are not your average shoe-shape. When you add a decent footbox space you are into noddy territory.,
hope that helps.