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Jul 11, 2021
biddulph moor
I HAD MY FEET professionally measured at go out doors . results are.
My left foot is 264mm and my right foot is 261mm in length .
I have a higher instep than average .
I have wider heels than average .
I have high arches .
I have wider feet than average .
I WANT to do some long distance walks like the coast to coast but im having a real bad time finding solid hiking boots that fit as my feet are odd . i have asked grisport and tried there best recomendation but it still caused me to have a lot of burning pain on the balls of my feet . any advice very welcome at the mo the only thing im using are vivo barefoots . and im not sure they are up to long treks ? its cost me a fortune buying different types of boot from x militry to brand hiking boots but i carnt find any that will work for me . so any good advice is most welcome , all the best .
any ideas where and how much ?im at st87l area.
Have you tried Google? I struggle to see how someone from East Suffolk will be able to find prices and suppliers for something they probably don’t need or use, for someone in Stoke on Trent.

What you’re describing is very much personal to you, and unique to your feet, so nobody here can do it for you.

A few years ago, I had a foot problem caused by a disintegrating hip. I hadn’t realised I’d been compensating for it and I was getting a lot of pain in my arch on the unaffected side. I was referred to an NHS orthopedic guy who measured extensively and had an insole made for me.

261-264mm is a tiny length difference, so maybe just insoles with arch lift and wide fit?
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I fractured both of my heels 20 years ago and i've had chronic heel pain ever since. I've found that boots, insoles and socks all work together (although not always in harmony) and experimenting with different combinations of all three could reveal that your favourite socks aren't really your friend and the boots you hated are actually your new favourite.


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