OK then, I've been thinking about doing this properly. I'd like to do a different cooking method each main mealtime. A ground oven for one main meat course and a cauldron over the fire for another. Each meal will be suplemented with a large pot of vegetable stew known as pottage. It's basically vegetables and pulse such as barley and rice done up like a very thick scotch broth - lovely, nutritious and filling.
I'm prepared to dedicate myself to the entire weekend with short breaks to have the odd paddle. We can make a bread oven first thing and bake fresh bread early each morning for everyone. If enough people are interested we'll take it in turns making bread and rolls.
We'll also have a soakaway pit dug well away from the water for dirty water from cooking and washing up so it doesn't contaminate the loch.
So, how does that sound. Fresh warm bread and rolls for breakfast, a communal group meal at lunch time and fend for yourself at supper time. There will be a kettle on the go all the time for brew ups (as there would be in any normal base camp). I'll need a list of volunteers for each part of the process you are interested in learning about, and I'd expect you to stick to it all the way through the session. I want to avoid people starting then finding something more interesting and sloping off. It's happened before where I've ended up doing the whole meal by myself so I think I need to be up front about it and ask for committment from participants once the meal session has started.
Of course anyone who wants to just do their own thing the whole weekend is fine as well. And in that case you'd be welcome to observe the processes and ask questions, but if you're part of the team, I'd like you to see it through to the end of the meal. Participants will also be expected to lend a hand clearing up after the meals.
Think about it then, there's lots to learn and experience. I'll make a proviso menu and you can let me know what parts you want to join in on. I can then make up a list of volunteers so we can all do a shift and enjoy the rest of the time paddling or whatever.