Living in the woods

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
My GF became a good shot as my hunting buddy and a charming life partner. I continue to work to keep this concept alive, 17 years now.
She refuses to be the commander as she refuses to be a leech.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I live in an all male family….I expect to be passed to the inside of the pavement, I expect doors and gates held for me, I expect courtesy….and I return it too :) I still shift slabs in the garden, still build stuff, t'was me floored the loft, etc., etc., I still like pretty shoes :eek: though I was chuffed to bits to find a pair of 3.5 side zipped Magnums :D

My sons were very little when the ayatollah's took power in Iran and within days the womenfolks were shrouded in black.
My eldest watched the television reports with utter horror, "How can they do that to half their people ??", he said, and his brother was nodding in full agreement; and I knew then that my sons were good, because 'all their people' meant just that :)......

Sounds like your husband found a "good woman" for a wife. Likewise your sons had both a "good woman" and a "good man" as parents to teach them.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I offer help to all who need it (or those who look like they do) regardless of age, gender etc etc - the only time I have ever been knocked back was by a "Radical Feminist" who saw my offer of help as an insult ... big hairy bikers have been grateful for my stopping to offer help as have most folk - even if the help I offered was not needed or I was incapable of actually doing anything constructive other than wish them well...
If you go to the Moot you will see some very capable Outdoorsy Women who, like a lot of Outdoorsy Blokes, are happy to have a helping hand - especially when setting up their camps.

On one memorable occasion at the Moots infamous "Naughty Corner", I seem to recall (through Rum hazed memories) proposing marriage to one BcUK member - I knew before that she was a capable Outoorsy Person, young (compared to me at least), personable, pleasant to look upon, GSOH etc but that was when I discovered she could cook like an Angel as well!
I clean forgot that I was already married...
If I was looking for company to share a life lived in the woods then that is the kind of person I would look for :)

If anyone wants to lend me a hand I will accept help from anyone of any age , gender etc ....hint....
I have learned a lot from some of our female BcUK members, some of whom can make my knees wobble with a simple smile:
Being a "Good Woman" ain't no handicap to being "feminine", alluring or even downright sexy!
Please, ladies, do not be "Equal" to the menfolk - you started out better than that so why take a retrograde step?

Well said John!

Well said indeed. There's more to being a gentleman than just the way one treats a lady.


Jun 26, 2013
North Dorset
It's a difficult world we men of a certain age walk in.

I'm old fashioned. As previously mentioned I hold open a door because I'm a gentleman not because you are a lady ( woman, sorry ) but I have been grumped at "I can do that" when doing it for the wrong person.

I had an entire charity I chaired collapse due to an incident that I could trace back to the derailing of a meeting about contracts of employment after I affectionately called the young women who worked for us "our girls"

As an employer now I can tell you I just want good folk to work for me. I don't care if their genitals are inside or outside! Please just turn up on time and do the job I pay you for with some semblance of care. Ideally, though I'm not unsympathetic to either sex, leave your baggage at the door.

Lots of people think because I'm the boss at work I'm the bossy one in the tribe at home but home is a partnership and I'm grateful for the break this affords me. My wife would think me rude if I didn't hold a door open, help carry in the shopping or venture an opinion about how her bum looks in a new dress.

We have been that partnership since we were 19, so 27 years now. I don't need to ask her opinion, I just read "The look" but sometimes when I'm very enthusiastic about something she is there with the steady advice, the threats and the I told you so when I ignore her. It's a pivotal role!

You have to play to your strengths in life and in the woods ( though she is more of a Spa hotel kind of gal) I'm not a detail person, I cut a swath, she makes sure the I is dotted and the T crossed. I'm not a bean counter but again she is. I get the job done but she makes sure that I'm in a position to do that job. She would suggest that she is patient to my impatient even. A good partner complements your skills in life.

"Behind every successful man there is a good woman." Cliche but you can quote me in saying that behind every good wife there is a devoted and loving husband.

The first 25 years are the toughest.

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John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
The first 25 years are the toughest.
Nah - the first 35 are...
My Good Lady Wife was very understanding when expedition schedules meant that I was in Cape Town and the Sun when she was in Wet West Wales for our 25th Wedding Anniversary...
It is strange but in our household my Wife does most of the gardening while I do most of the sewing, even semi-retired my wife brings in more money than I do and if we go out of an evening it is she who drives...
We do not hold with gender stereotypes around here :)

Ed the Ted

Dec 13, 2013
"Behind every successful man there is a good woman." Cliche but you can quote me in saying that behind every good wife there is a devoted and loving husband.

Successful man juxtaposed with good wife. Telling?

Never mind the possibility that not everybody in the world is heterosexual.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
He did say it was cliche, and comments like the ones made are relevant to the relationships that suits the person making them.
That in no way is negative about any other pairing or trebling, iimmc.



Full Member
May 23, 2014


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
It may be a generational thing but I'll walk on the outside of the pavement and open the door for anyone, not just women.

Sociologically speaking most groups will naturally protect women and make men do more dangerous jobs as any given group can bounce back from loosing a lot of it's men but will struggle to come back from loosing a large proportion of it's women. That's just a evolutionary thing and we cant really fight it.

I like that we can all be equal but that doesn't preclude me from wanting to make someone feel special. I love my partner deeply and love to spoil her just as she likes to be spoiled. She out performs me financially at work, has sailed huge distances (not keen on the open seas myself). But I still do all the cooking, cleaning and the likes when she's home (she lives very far away) and I like to make her feel special, because she is. I don't see why "equality" means that manners have to give way. Social groups need manners as a glue to hold them together other wise it's just a warring group.

It's easy to see that this works as you look at the folks who've talked about caring for others and they tend to be the ones who're well respected and admired here whether they be ladies or gentlemen.


Jun 26, 2013
North Dorset
C'mon dude, look at the spirit of the post and not THAT close at the words

Most important of all for everyone. Heed these imortal (well they should be :D ) words and we will all of us get along just fine

And party on dude!

Only a row in the room if you are looking for one.

Cheers all for picking up on the spirit!

I'm at a wedding. Nobody else on the table drinks red and my first gin and tonic was ( wait for it ) £11.20. Peace and love!

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I doubt we will, I'll be kind and say his plan was a tad flawed but he got honest answers which he did not accept or want to hear.

recently i stumbled accross a story on the net about a guy who was found dead in scotland after planning to live in the wild for a year (inspired by watching B.G. IIRC ...)--- let's hope this story does not end the same way....


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.