Living in the woods


Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
Aaaah, a lovely internet thread. Feminism, Law, and someone invoking Godwin's law. It's like the good ole days of usenet all over again...

It gives you that warm fuzzy feeling that perhaps the internet isn't changing quite as fast as we thought it was.

Thank you to our scandiwegian colleague for mentioning the F word. It's nice to know that there are some who do see us Women as people.



Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
Feminism? Yeah, I've heard of it. We have it here too. Feminists can be a PITA to maintain. But my post was about how to maintain a "good woman." They're two different things.

I had to check my clock. I wasn't sure if perhaps the clocks had changed early last weekend, and rather than being put forward an hour, had in fact gone back 60 years...

If a feminist is being a PITA to you, then it's probably indicative that you're doing something wrong.

Personally, I quite like my girlfriend to be a feminist, it's just another thing we would have in common, and find this causes me no posterior agony what so ever... I also find that the equality means that there is no need to 'maintain a "good woman."', at least nothing more than the simple communications that are the bedrock of any good relationship. Equality is wonderful like that.



M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I had to check my clock. I wasn't sure if perhaps the clocks had changed early last weekend, and rather than being put forward an hour, had in fact gone back 60 years...

If a feminist is being a PITA to you, then it's probably indicative that you're doing something wrong.

Personally, I quite like my girlfriend to be a feminist, it's just another thing we would have in common, and find this causes me no posterior agony what so ever... I also find that the equality means that there is no need to 'maintain a "good woman."', at least nothing more than the simple communications that are the bedrock of any good relationship. Equality is wonderful like that.


You're missing the tongue-in-cheek nature of my comment. Go back to my earlier post inferring that a "good woman" is one who likes to fish, a traditionally male recreation. None-the-less she still maintains her feminine identity; hence the need for her male companion to show he appreciates her beauty ("telling her she's pretty" being symbolic of in his mind she is beautiful both physically and in character/personality.

When feminism becomes a PITA is when the practicioners/advocates take it to the point that they no longer allow for a differentiation between the genders. It's NOT and insult for somebody to be though of as a woman. Nor is it an indication that she can't do the same tasks a man can do (save those limitations of size and physical strength)

As for turning back the clock 60 years; the reality seems that feminism has progressed beyond the original idea that it meant for a woman to be equal, she had to abandon her femininity. THAT was the crux of my original statement "Tell her she's pretty and take her fishing." Such a woman is capable of both femininity and feminism and comfortable with it. Apparently some here haven't progressed beyond the early ideas that feminism means she has to abandon her femininity to be a feminist (who's clock is really behind?)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
The internet is definitely changing fast but in the wrong direction, it's becoming more hostile and abusing day by day, there are very few places where people are actually genuinely decent with each other and treat people as they would in real life. The internet was a far better place to socialise on the early 90's when the only people online were those who knew how to properly operate computers and those who didn't but slogged on through the jargon to get connected, it was an escape from the tv controlled majority of modern UK society, as the internet became a button to connect to and there was no need to understand the inner working of your router etc to get it to work then came the trolls.

Just my opinion of how i've seen the net change in the 24 years i have been connected to it, if it keeps going the way it is i will soon be disconnecting myself from it for good
Feb 21, 2015
You're missing the tongue-in-cheek nature of my comment. Go back to my earlier post inferring that a "good woman" is one who likes to fish, a traditionally male recreation. None-the-less she still maintains her feminine identity; hence the need for her male companion to show he appreciates her beauty ("telling her she's pretty" being symbolic of in his mind she is beautiful both physically and in character/personality.

When feminism becomes a PITA is when the practicioners/advocates take it to the point that they no longer allow for a differentiation between the genders. It's NOT and insult for somebody to be though of as a woman. Nor is it an indication that she can't do the same tasks a man can do (save those limitations of size and physical strength)

As for turning back the clock 60 years; the reality seems that feminism has progressed beyond the original idea that it meant for a woman to be equal, she had to abandon her femininity. THAT was the crux of my original statement "Tell her she's pretty and take her fishing." Such a woman is capable of both femininity and feminism and comfortable with it. Apparently some here haven't progressed beyond the early ideas that feminism means she has to abandon her femininity to be a feminist (who's clock is really behind?)

Thank goodness there is someone else that sees things the way i do! My wife..she is VERY feminine.... but she can outhink me, out earn me and outrun me any day of the week ( actually your average 4 year old could outrun me, but nevertheless....) she can do everything a man can do... but at the same time, loves to be treat like a Woman who cant occasionally....
feminism has stopped a lot of men, including myself from being quite so chivalrous to women..I used to be chivalrous, but after being told...HOW DARE YOU! when i stopped to help one 'lady' who was a feminist i decided forget it. if ya want to be equal...then you can fix your own damn puncture on your trail bike.....


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Thank goodness there is someone else that sees things the way i do! My wife..she is VERY feminine.... but she can outhink me, out earn me and outrun me any day of the week ( actually your average 4 year old could outrun me, but nevertheless....) she can do everything a man can do... but at the same time, loves to be treat like a Woman who cant occasionally.......

Exactly so


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I offer help to all who need it (or those who look like they do) regardless of age, gender etc etc - the only time I have ever been knocked back was by a "Radical Feminist" who saw my offer of help as an insult ... big hairy bikers have been grateful for my stopping to offer help as have most folk - even if the help I offered was not needed or I was incapable of actually doing anything constructive other than wish them well...
If you go to the Moot you will see some very capable Outdoorsy Women who, like a lot of Outdoorsy Blokes, are happy to have a helping hand - especially when setting up their camps.

On one memorable occasion at the Moots infamous "Naughty Corner", I seem to recall (through Rum hazed memories) proposing marriage to one BcUK member - I knew before that she was a capable Outoorsy Person, young (compared to me at least), personable, pleasant to look upon, GSOH etc but that was when I discovered she could cook like an Angel as well!
I clean forgot that I was already married...
If I was looking for company to share a life lived in the woods then that is the kind of person I would look for :)

If anyone wants to lend me a hand I will accept help from anyone of any age , gender etc ....hint....
I have learned a lot from some of our female BcUK members, some of whom can make my knees wobble with a simple smile:
Being a "Good Woman" ain't no handicap to being "feminine", alluring or even downright sexy!
Please, ladies, do not be "Equal" to the menfolk - you started out better than that so why take a retrograde step?
Feb 21, 2015
I offer help to all who need it (or those who look like they do) regardless of age, gender etc etc - the only time I have ever been knocked back was by a "Radical Feminist" who saw my offer of help as an insult ... big hairy bikers have been grateful for my stopping to offer help as have most folk - even if the help I offered was not needed or I was incapable of actually doing anything constructive other than wish them well...
If you go to the Moot you will see some very capable Outdoorsy Women who, like a lot of Outdoorsy Blokes, are happy to have a helping hand - especially when setting up their camps.

On one memorable occasion at the Moots infamous "Naughty Corner", I seem to recall (through Rum hazed memories) proposing marriage to one BcUK member - I knew before that she was a capable Outoorsy Person, young (compared to me at least), personable, pleasant to look upon, GSOH etc but that was when I discovered she could cook like an Angel as well!
I clean forgot that I was already married...
If I was looking for company to share a life lived in the woods then that is the kind of person I would look for :)

If anyone wants to lend me a hand I will accept help from anyone of any age , gender etc ....hint....
I have learned a lot from some of our female BcUK members, some of whom can make my knees wobble with a simple smile:
Being a "Good Woman" ain't no handicap to being "feminine", alluring or even downright sexy!
Please, ladies, do not be "Equal" to the menfolk - you started out better than that so why take a retrograde step?

Well said John!

Rich D

Jan 2, 2014
"I'm not holding the door open because you're a lady, I'm doing it because I'm a gentleman." A quote from my dad, who is a very wise man.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
When a man holds a car door open for a woman, it's either a new car or a new woman...............................

Who said that?


Full Member
May 23, 2014
"I'm not holding the door open because you're a lady, I'm doing it because I'm a gentleman." A quote from my dad, who is a very wise man.

When a man holds a car door open for a woman, it's either a new car or a new woman...............................

Who said that?

Love those two

When i hold a door open for a lady its usually just so i can watch them walk away :cool:


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Rich D; you have a very worthy dad. (like mine)

All agree the OP have avaunt? Shame, as we have lots of good and practical things to say here

nic a char

Dec 23, 2014
"If a feminist is being a PITA to you, then it's probably indicative that you're doing something wrong." = quite right! He's THINKING wrong...


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Reminds me of an old joke

"If a husband has an opinion and his wife does not hear it, is he still wrong?"


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I live in an all male family….I expect to be passed to the inside of the pavement, I expect doors and gates held for me, I expect courtesy….and I return it too :) I still shift slabs in the garden, still build stuff, t'was me floored the loft, etc., etc., I still like pretty shoes :eek: though I was chuffed to bits to find a pair of 3.5 side zipped Magnums :D

My sons were very little when the ayatollah's took power in Iran and within days the womenfolks were shrouded in black.
My eldest watched the television reports with utter horror, "How can they do that to half their people ??", he said, and his brother was nodding in full agreement; and I knew then that my sons were good, because 'all their people' meant just that :)

If anyone rants at you for holding the door open for them, then they're the ones with the problem, and their discourtesy shows that they were ill reared.


p.s. GGTBod….of course he is ! :D


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