Ignorant Public regarding Knives


Sep 18, 2006
Cornwall, UK.
Slightly off topic but relevant to your post: Recently my wife and young son were threatened by a young thug with two Staffordshire Bull Terriers - I arrived at this scene as it was taking place and launched myself at him. In the ensuing scrap, I was mauled by the dogs. The police said it was my fault as I hit him first. Result - if ever I find myself in that situation again, I will make sure that I have said "baseball bat" or equivalent to hand, and I won't be troubling our police "service" with the consequences.

Do you ever wonder if you'd had a knife on you, would you have used it?

I find this question interesting too. It reminds me with a lecture I had off a policeman once that I'll never forget. I was about 15 and the policeman knew my (bushcraft) interests etc. but he still persisted that "carrying a knife is dangerous, even if your just carrying it as a tool, if you were then put in a nasty situation; like someone starting a fight with you and the knife was dropped an attacker could use that knife against you" even at 15 I knew that was a poor excuse for why someone should not carry a knife.

Back to the question.. if you could use it on a person if you had too, although the thought is horrific, it is an interesting question because it in itself could be a matter of survival.


May 26, 2006
yes we have a different culture. Buy one that works very well for us.

I'm not sure I'd agree. Texas has 3.93 Gun homicides per 100,000 people.

The UK has 0.102579 gun homicides per 100,000 people.

But that's a whole different story.

if you were then put in a nasty situation; like someone starting a fight with you and the knife was dropped an attacker could use that knife against you" even at 15 I knew that was a poor excuse for why someone should not carry a knife.

Its actually not so ridiculous as it may sound. A fairly sizable portion of stabbing victims get stabbed with their own knife.


May 5, 2005
Back to the question.. if you could use it on a person if you had too, although the thought is horrific, it is an interesting question because it in itself could be a matter of survival.

I reckon exploring this particular avenue is going to get the thread locked pretty quickly.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Oh yes.

And our laws regarding self defence are strict, ridiculously so.

I have a doormans badge and the advice we are given is `if you get hit, its best not to hit back.`

(I kid you not)

I will say that a non doorman would probably get away with it....


Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
I find this question interesting too. It reminds me with a lecture I had off a policeman once that I'll never forget. I was about 15 and the policeman knew my (bushcraft) interests etc. but he still persisted that [i]"carrying a knife is dangerous, even if your just carrying it as a tool, if you were then put in a nasty situation; like someone starting a fight with you and the knife was dropped an attacker could use that knife against you"[/i] even at 15 I knew that was a poor excuse for why someone should not carry a knife.

Back to the question.. if you could use it on a person if you had too, although the thought is horrific, it is an interesting question because it in itself could be a matter of survival.

Not a poor excuse at all.A lot of knife injuries occur from the victims own knife.Don't forget that a policeman sees a lot more of this sort of thing than your average punter.

Unless you are trained properly,a knife is a rubbish defence instrument.

IMO the only thing to beat running very quickly is a big stick.


May 6, 2007
traderran: but why do you feel you need to carry a handgun every day?

Hello I live in the country. That stated I would play he&& waiting on a cop to get to me
if the need came up. Besides It my right to carry and to protect myself or others
if the need arrived. We in the USA still have the right ti defend ourselves. Not just stand
there looking stupid hoping a officer would get there before something bad happend
We in this country believe in tacking care of ourselves not being the victim.

PS as to my age well over 50


May 6, 2007
I'm not sure I'd agree. Texas has 3.93 Gun homicides per 100,000 people.

The UK has 0.102579 gun homicides per 100,000 people.

But that's a whole different story .
Do not believe all the BS that the papers spout over hear. They are in the business of selling papers. Also you may wont to check to see how many of the 3.93 you refer
to were good shootings.


Jun 26, 2005
English Midlands
"I take that you are of the young persuasion.;)"

My point is that Dynamite Dan was made to feel uncomfortable whilst conducting a perfectly innocent and legal activity - and therefore the law, in this case, is an bottom!

The people around him may have been asses but, as others have said, you don't have to take a tool into an inappropriate place.
I don't see that the law is an bottom at all in regard of knives. It is a poor, knee jerk reaction to a problem, but I'd bet the majority of citizens wouldn't want it weakened in any way.


Jun 26, 2005
English Midlands
Back to the question.. if you could use it on a person if you had too, although the thought is horrific, it is an interesting question because it in itself could be a matter of survival.

Is this a bushcraft or survivalist forum?
I'd bet that half the young men walking around the urban streets with a concealed knife aren't half as obsessed by them as some of the folk here who only apparently think of them as tools.

I've owned a knife or knives since I joined the cubs at 8, but things have changed and I believe it is right that I should have to justify any knife that I carry. If I can justify it I, as a middle class, middle aged white male, would expect there to be no problem.
I bought one of those BCUK Spyderco knives and it is an excellent tool. It is worryingly scary to look at although a legal knife. I only carry it when I have a good reason to. It isn't much of a restriction and not even the thin end of an undesirable wedge, in my opinion.


Jun 15, 2007
I'd bet the majority of citizens wouldn't want it weakened in any way.

To be honest the majority of citizens are too busy with their lives to know anything about the legislation being introduced daily that affects their lives.

Someone observed that plods have seen lots of injuries, knife etc, I can say that in my shortish career with them I did. Knives make a mess of people, so much so that all self defense courses I have attended put across the point that if faced with a knife RUN if you can. And, a couple of offensive fighting courses I have attended made the point that if you use a knife make sure you know how to use it..........some one quoted some marvellous stats on how the person initiating the knife fight often is stuck with his/her own blade.

But all that said, you have the right to carry a knife in public so long as you have a reason.

Traderran, no offense taken, this is reasoned discussion between like minded people.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
Is this a bushcraft or survivalist forum?
I'd bet that half the young men walking around the urban streets with a concealed knife aren't half as obsessed by them as some of the folk here who only apparently think of them as tools.

I've owned a knife or knives since I joined the cubs at 8, but things have changed and I believe it is right that I should have to justify any knife that I carry. If I can justify it I, as a middle class, middle aged white male, would expect there to be no problem.
I bought one of those BCUK Spyderco knives and it is an excellent tool. It is worryingly scary to look at although a legal knife. I only carry it when I have a good reason to. It isn't much of a restriction and not even the thin end of an undesirable wedge, in my opinion.

These same young men probably neither know nor care what the law is regarding carry.

Most of the folks on this forum have a concern about restrictions of their right to carry the tool of their choice.They are also,mostly,concerned about falling foul of the law while going about their lawful pursuits.

Why do you say the street legal spyderco is "worryingly scary"? It's a tool,why impose an emotive load of baggage on a tool?

Don't worry about the forum turning into a survivalist forum.Folks get bored quickly with these threads and they soon disappear on their own.;)


Jun 26, 2005
English Midlands
Why do you say the street legal spyderco is "worryingly scary"? It's a tool,why impose an emotive load of baggage on a tool?

Isn't that the nub of the matter? Knives don't come without emotive baggage for the majority of folk. A knife is a tool and it also a potential weapon in a way that is easily recognised. It is designed to cut and pierce.
The Spyderco is not a knife that says "I am just a tool" it looks like a weapon and I say this as someone who admires the quality of it.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
The Spyderco UK is a really nice knife to handle, and to use, but boy does it get a reaction :eek:
It's the only knife I've used that had teenage boys desperate to get their hands on it......sorry, but it's looks are a problem in a public situation, every other knife in a woman's hand they just think is a tool. That one I was actually asked if it were, "A good chib?" :( Even skinning knives didn't get that reaction. :rolleyes:


Carcajou Garou

On a new journey
Jun 7, 2004
The biggest issue here as I see is the PERCEPTION of an object. In itself it is not evil or good just in its end or intended use. We hear about the "hooligans at your "football" matches and their behaviour that it would be so easy to belive that all in England are like that but alas I don't think that our paper would sell quite so many if they reported that an game was held and other than the scoring nothing much went on.
Our cultures differ widely, in the Americas we did indeed need firearms to exist for another day and we are thankfull for them, we are their legacy in the flesh for those who are decendants of the early colonists, many who came from Britain.
Traderran is also proud of his culture, rightly so and is right on target as the media does exploit the negative sides just to sell more papers, mags and does end up not reporting the news but making, shaping it.
We have to be carefull that we don't give up to much for a percieved sense of well being it has a habit of bitting us back.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.