Though I am currently a final year nursing student (ex-HCA of 8 years) with 16 weeks to go till qualifying, I have no first-aid certificate, only the internal NHS CPR/Trauma course. About to do the ALERT course in December.
It always amuses me when people ask, that Nurses and Doctors are NOT actually trained in First-Aid as part of their pre-registration coursework.
I declined the poll, as though I am not OFFICIALLY first-aid trained, I do use first-aid skills on an almost daily basis within the remit of the NHS.
Good luck with your training, and the ALERT course is worth a day of your time, though not First Aid helpful to be honest unless you carry O2 etc with you

When your out camping with your chums, it may be that you won't have any backup to speak of, nobody to grab dressings, call a doctor to help who will be there in minutes etc; its a whole new world in the open.
What are you doing your dissertation on ?