How do you keep cool?


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Adopt the Mediterranean lifestyle while the heat lasts in the full knowledge that it won't be for too much longer. Most important, enjoy it, we don't get summers like this very often.


Jun 26, 2013
North Dorset
I lived in Australia when I was younger.

Open up your Windows in the early morning. When the Sun comes round pull the curtains.

If you have a fan use it to blow cooler air in from the shaded side of the house.

Hydration is key. Keep drinking. Not being thirsty is a feature of Dehydration. When you drink adequately Thirst returns.

The Urine colour trick is spot on. Loose natural fabric clothing also.
I drink squash or chilled herbal teas.
I really struggle just drinking water in sufficient quantities so the above is a good alternative.
I still drink tea by gallon too whilst its a diuretic the quantity outweighs the amount lost by its diuretic side effect.
Hats are good in this heat.
Sunglasses and sun cream are vital. I once went without sun cream at a festival I burnt so bad I blistered. Never again. Ever. Most painful experience of my life.
Loose natural fibres for clothing.
The crystal filled wraps for around necks are quite good. I rediscovered one Monday and I've not removed it since apart from to recharge it and to sleep.

Windows open curtains shut is another top tip.


Apr 13, 2011
United Kingdom
Well this thread has inspired me. I have just ordered one of those BCB neck cooler scarfs off ebay. Hopefully that will take the edge off this heat for me.


Feb 16, 2011
the French Alps
I simple salt and sugar mix will be simpler, cheaper and reports I haved heard on TV more effective for you

Try to find celtic sea salt or better still Sel de Guerande which is untreated salt from France. If it is wet and grey, then that is the stuff you are looking for, I think Waitrose stocks it. It has tons of minerals and electrolytes in it and will help you re-hydrate your body. Best way to take it is a pinch on the tongue washed down with water.

I also find that running your wrists under cool water for a while is a good way you cool down.


Jun 26, 2008
Adopt the Mediterranean lifestyle while the heat lasts in the full knowledge that it won't be for too much longer. Most important, enjoy it, we don't get summers like this very often.

Agreed, we've waited a few years for this and when it happens people start whingeing. It's mental.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
I lived in Australia when I was younger.

Open up your Windows in the early morning. When the Sun comes round pull the curtains....

Or if you're in the right climate, close said windows and turn down the air conditioning :) Only works if you can stay indoors though (no matter where you live)

Another help for cooling the indoors has to do with your landscaping; plant tree to the south of the building (in the northern hemisphere) that will shade the building during the Summer and shed their leaves in Winter.


Full Member
Mar 22, 2007
Yeovil somerset
Or if you're in the right climate, close said windows and turn down the air conditioning :) Only works if you can stay indoors though (no matter where you live)

Another help for cooling the indoors has to do with your landscaping; plant tree to the south of the building (in the northern hemisphere) that will shade the building during the Summer and shed their leaves in Winter.

Unfortunatly most homes over here dont have AC. And are made of brick or stone that heats up and holds the heat for a long time great for winter but sucks when the sun hits it all day. We are getting temps in the high 80s low 90s during the day and upper 60s at night. As a Florida boy I am very much enjoying it. In fact the wife and I just finished a BBQ, Corona and are listening to Jimmy Buffett on the patio. Man life feels good after 9 years of no summer.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I like going for a swim. Clean enough water, and dont get in too quick, and dont swim when dehydrated. Otherwise get heavy jobs done early in the morning, and do the vacuuming at night. I aslo eat plenty of salty things, homebargins have canned coconut water in which is high potasium salts.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
Carbonated water....helps the fluid get into your larger intestine ,so your body can process it quicker and distribute it to where it needs to be :thumbup:

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Unfortunatly most homes over here dont have AC. And are made of brick or stone that heats up and holds the heat for a long time great for winter but sucks when the sun hits it all day. We are getting temps in the high 80s low 90s during the day and upper 60s at night. As a Florida boy I am very much enjoying it. In fact the wife and I just finished a BBQ, Corona and are listening to Jimmy Buffett on the patio. Man life feels good after 9 years of no summer.

Yeah I remember most of that from when I was there (I never saw any Corona back then though LOL) That was before I'd ever been to Florida (unless you count an hour layover in Miami en route to the Panama Canal Zone in the early 1970s) I actually came to Florida from a four year tour in England and nearly melted the first Summer; then that very first Winter we had an ice storm pulling down the power lines!


Nov 24, 2005
Put a bottle of frozen water in front of a fan (stand the bottle on a tray or bowl) in the middle east and tropics I found wearing a string vest helps but it's not the most sexy item of clothing


Full Member
May 17, 2011
in the middle east and tropics I found wearing a string vest helps but it's not the most sexy item of clothing

Funny enough Thats what the army issued up to the 1980's for tropical kit an airtex vest Supposed to keep a barrier between your skin and a hot shirt. For some reason they now wear t-shirts under shirts in hot climates, which because of there style over/under material on the arm surely must be hotter.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Funny enough Thats what the army issued up to the 1980's for tropical kit an airtex vest Supposed to keep a barrier between your skin and a hot shirt. For some reason they now wear t-shirts under shirts in hot climates, which because of there style over/under material on the arm surely must be hotter.

Depending on what its made of and the closer fit than that of your outer shirt it soaks up sweat better and has a larger surface area due to weave so evaporating off sweat. Keeping you cooler, like all the baselayer t-shirts your supposed to wear to make GTX actually work.
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Jun 22, 2009
be careful monitoring urine colour for hydration indication, body only absorbs about a pint per hour so downing 2 pints quickly will make your wee clear but the reality is youve peed it straight out and absorbed only a small amount. This is the reason camelbaks worked well for the troops in keeping them hydrated a constant access to drink is better than occassional stops and gulping...


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 5, 2011
West Riding
Polypropylene type base layers are only good in this weather if energy loss isn't important. Their wicking action uses more body energy as they dry from the inside out. , robbing the cooling effect of your sweat . So great if your doing a spot of exercise and will be replenishing your lost carbs an such. Not so great for endurance , when energy conservation is of importance.

While grafting , im finding comfort , wearing loose fitting cotton or cotton linen button shirts. They are holding the sweat and helping me to keep cooler and aiding in energy conservation.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4 Beta


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.