Hi, my most recent project has been my hobo stove

it all packs down into the ikea drainer, so is very easy to carry. Sorry for the picture quality I couldn't find the camera so had to use my phone.
here it is all packed up in its bag
then out of the bag, the small bag contains the two pot supports and two pegs for pegging it down on uneven ground, the strap is to stop the lid rattling off and everything falling out
the pot is just a 10cm zebra billy with modified handle, as I couldn't find anything to crimp the loops in I used electrical 'chockblocks' with the outer plastic coating removed
here you can see the pot with the lid off and internal dish removed, the plastic bag is teabags and sits inside the dish and the straws are powdered espresso coffee (red) and sugar (green/yellow) enough for four cups of coffee
here is the rest of the stuff that sits under the dish, theres about five maya sticks there cut up into little bits to fit under the dish, some matches and my penny stove I made, which is really quick to use with the hobo stove, and a lot cheaper than a trangia burner!!
and finally here's everything altogether
any feedback/suggestions would be much appreciated