Hobo Stove Gallery (Probably picture heavy)

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I have made a firepit using 2 washing machine drums bolted one on top of the other! It works extremely well! My next job is to make a removable barbeque and spit attachment to it! I'll keep you posted! :-)
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Here’s my complete kit:

  1. Primus fuel bottle
  2. MSR stowaway 775ml pot
  3. Swedish Fold-a-Cup, now this is a winner! I’ve had it for years, buy one. Very durable and you can drink hot coffee without getting burned.
  4. Bic lighter. Great item, not to be trusted in wet weather though. Be sure to bring a firesteel, it will always give you a spark and they last forever.
  5. Titanium Spork
  6. Trangia alcohol stove
  7. Light my Fire firesteel, these are the best by far. I know, because I tried them all…
  8. Cotton-wool balls impregnated with vaseline. Use them as tinder to start a fire. Steal them from your girlfriend, girls use them to remove their make-up. Standard survival equipment for every girl on the planet.
  9. ExploreMoreUsedGear (63 of 149).jpgExploreMoreUsedGear (65 of 149).jpgExploreMoreUsedGear (59 of 149).jpgExploreMoreUsedGear (56 of 149).jpg

You can read more about my adventures on exploremore.eu

Post #3023. Couple pics here too...




Doesnt quite fit in my pot all the way abd if i modify or remove the lip it will fit in my 10x4 pouch.

Any suggestions on best way to mod for wood entry? Trangia fits perfect in the bottom.

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Here's mine :)


Hobo stove in it's linen bag.


Bag opened, stove complete with blow poker.


Bag emptied, strap off, blow poker, cork mat, cutting board, two bowls and padded cloth.


Billy, supports and cutlery pulled out of stove.


Support legs, third bowl, mug, greenheat sachets, tea, coffee and sugar.


Legs in slots, supports through holes, billy on top boiling water for coffee. Shows the fuel feed cut out too.


Fold down D rings on the billy sides, the bail sits around the base of the stove in the bag.


Hot coffee in a couple of minutes :D


By the time I drink my coffee the stove is cool enough to be cleaned out and packed away. It didn't even melt the snow on the back path :cool:

The larger bowl came from Ikea, it's a perfect fit for the drainer. The next two fit inside.
I find bowls easier than plates when eating outside. The little one is handy for putting things down into, fork, spoon, that kind of thing. Keeps them clean and off the ground. Good for prep work too. I have also used them to heat up stuff while I'm eating something else out of the billy. Like custard for cake or hot milk for chocolate.
The padded cloth not only stops any rattling, it's incredibly useful for catching hold of hot bits of metal :), insulates under the bowl when in use too.

I have loads of bits and pieces that change in and out as the notion takes me, a tiny wooden spatula is awfully useful for stirring right into the corners of the billy and is usually in the kit too. That said, I've been using a really small silicon one to good effect recently.

Russ adapted a setup that Pub showed that used wall ties. It's both very stable and yet easy to use :cool: Russ also gave me a tidied up length of brake cable and a couple of chocolate block connectors, and that's made a better bail than the one that's in those photos.
Well, better's maybe the wrong word, it's more packable and just as easy to use.

Addictive things these stoves :D :o

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Tried mine last night, worked well but tent pegs went all funny, think they were coated and not stainless. Does that make sense?


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Inspired by this thread I went to Wilkos and brought a utensil drainer....got home and measured it up and it's only 8cm wide at the narrowest part at the bottom!
Now I can't decide wether to stick with it and find a pot to suit or dump it and get one I can use a normal zebra billy with??
I can get a bigger pot that sits on top and then store the stove inside the pot instead of the other way round, hmm decisions....

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Trust me on this; the stove gets absolutely manky. You really don't want to be putting it into your pot if you can avoid it.



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