Advice sought re. located Optimus No.96 pressure leak

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Dec 30, 2019
And so it has come to pass, perhaps as part of that midlife crisis that I have obtained the very variant of the Optimus No.96 that I used on my Queeen's Scout Expedition back in 1986 and in ' Fettlin ', I discover it has an air leak giving rise to inability to hold a burn of which hardly useful as I am not intending to retain this stove as a mere ornament.

To have by way of the submersion test found the air bleed screw on the filler cap isn't sealing of which is hardly drastic but I would be interested in receiving advice upon options before I plumb for a generic replacement.

Dunno, with experience of these stoves I get the sense that the bleed screw is an incorrect screw as it is overly long for it's purpose of which is not something I remember and of course the cone appears to be in seach of a deeper seating of which is not something my No.96 has
There are certainly knowledgeable folk here who may be able to help you. (Not me I’m afraid - I have an aversion to moving parts.)

Otherwise may I recommend
Classic Camp Stoves where questions like yours are dealt with every day.

Edited to add:
They will be able to tell you, within microns, what you need and where to get it.

They are great people. I’ve dealt with them on line as a very ignorant rookie and they have helped me out. I’ve even met some of them at their camp.
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Have you tried wrapping some ptfe tape around the screw thread? It could be either worn thread or some dirt in the thread, I don’t believe there is a gasket that goes in there as far as I can remember but I’ll check one of my stoves later. Or possibly the clever use of a fibre washer? Hmmm
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As above classic camp stoves is the place to visit.
Make sure that the threads are clean as a bit of debris could be enough to allow a leak.

I am to mark this thread as solved as I have discerned and curred the problem

The problem was that the air bleed screw was the wrong screw for the fitment, but with the poor man's lathe (drill) I ground a new angle on the bleed screw cone and with the use of autosol and plenty of to'ing and fro'ing I managed to grind both faces to the point they would seal hence solving my problem.

An extended burn last night revealed the mini camper could boil a pint of water in just under five minutes, it will also perform quite a respectable simmer and yes despite the stove not being specifieds as auto start stove, it will auto start of which is what I remember of my original No.96, to conclude now with the leak cured the stove is in fine and dependable fettle.

I would post an image of it in full roar, but I have no idea how to do so here


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