Hobo Stove Gallery (Probably picture heavy)

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I have a question.

Obviously the whole point of building a hobo stove is to cram as much kit inside the little bugger, rather like those Russian souvenir dolls you can buy. At the moment I'm up to four pots including the Ikea utensil stove. I'm hope to break the record here. :lmao: I even found a suitably small kitchen sink to fit in there for the washing up afterwards too. :D

Anyway, now that I'm getting the stuff together I also want to make it a multi-fuel thingy and include my fancy lynx effect stove (TM) courtesy of "puub"'s excellant tutorial. (thanks mate!)

My problem is finding a suitable container for the alcohol fuel. So here's me asking what you use? Obviously in this case size matters, but I'd like a decent size supply. I had considered using an old zippo lighter refill fuel can and just refilling it using a syringe.

While on the subject of Zippos, I intend keeping one of those in the kit, and plan on wrapping the whole thing in cling film keep the fuel from evaporating. It seems whenever I've gone to use one after a long period of time it's evaporated dry. (I'm a non-smoker so therefore hardly have use for one) Seems a obvious thing to do but just wondered what everyone else does to get around that problem ... other than taking up smoking :rolleyes:

And another thing. I'm just full of 'em tonight. Has anyone made a trangia type gripper handle doodah thing? If so, could someone point me in the right direction for finding pix. Ta.

Thanks for your time.

Have you tried these peanut lighters. Tiny petrol lighter but have an O ring seal on them which stops the evaporation of fuel. I love the little things.
Cheers Andy
how about a small hip flask.

Yup, got it covered now. Bought myself a small aluminium canteen which holds about 330ml of fuel. I was after something that would fit inside but I did find a plastic eyewash bottle which I filled using a syringe and a needle works a treat too, hold enough for a couple of brews I would guess.

As for the peanut lighter, yeah they look the biz too, but they do cost a bit when compared to the zippo lighter I have and wrapped in cling film so should work just as well.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestions.
I have finally got around to making my hobo stove. here some pics.










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I had a crazy idea at work when on tea break for my fuel bottle. A caprisun fruit juice pouch, works a treat! Totally solvent resistant, squashes to fit inside billy around all the other bits and holds plenty fuel. Sorted for zero outlay!!
So many great ideas I need to get mine out again and make use of them. Tank can you please show a picture of the underside of you lids, I would like to see how you fixed the wire.

Thanks Mark
Got my hobo stove dirty yesterday. I christened it!!



I posted a little diary of events in the out and about forum titled "22 hours in the Wildnerness" along with a couple more photos.

Many thanks for all those who've contributed to this thread and the advice I've borrowed while making my own. Pleased as punch having it work so well too.

The bag wasn't big enough to fit the hat stand in it, so Mary Poppins I ain't. :togo: Not even a close second to Dr Who and his Tardis
Takes a while to get used to what's hot 'n not. Looks like you've found a good spot. The important bit is getting comfortable where you are, to the point of really enjoying it.

Thanks for sharing your honest and well humored account. Made me chuckle a few, not in a bad way, but in a "I've been there" way.
Hello, after much deliberation i decided to have a go at a hobo stove.After seeing and being inspired by Waylands set up a while back and never used a billy at all i knocked one up while the rest of the world was watching football. Zebra billy, Asda utensil drainer and some wall ties. Added a small tiffin tin for brews,spork,folding cup,although i pack a kuksa elsewhere in my kit.I cut up the wall ties to make the billy stand up on the stove and bent some more ties to make some legs to get more draught into the flames if needed,and packed the whole lot into an old Swiss army kidney pouch.The stove gets its first outing next weekend so it wont look shiny and new then. Cheers.


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Here is my attempt at a hobo stove, first pic shows it all packed up with my knife that I made from a old metal file and home grown bamboo shoot tube that I use to blow into the stove to get it going


All the bits and peices unpacked apart fro the teas bags and yes that is half a packet of chocolate digestives.


And this is it in action



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.