Hobo Stove Gallery (Probably picture heavy)

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I have a question.

Obviously the whole point of building a hobo stove is to cram as much kit inside the little bugger, rather like those Russian souvenir dolls you can buy. At the moment I'm up to four pots including the Ikea utensil stove. I'm hope to break the record here. :lmao: I even found a suitably small kitchen sink to fit in there for the washing up afterwards too. :D

Anyway, now that I'm getting the stuff together I also want to make it a multi-fuel thingy and include my fancy lynx effect stove (TM) courtesy of "puub"'s excellant tutorial. (thanks mate!)

My problem is finding a suitable container for the alcohol fuel. So here's me asking what you use? Obviously in this case size matters, but I'd like a decent size supply. I had considered using an old zippo lighter refill fuel can and just refilling it using a syringe.

While on the subject of Zippos, I intend keeping one of those in the kit, and plan on wrapping the whole thing in cling film keep the fuel from evaporating. It seems whenever I've gone to use one after a long period of time it's evaporated dry. (I'm a non-smoker so therefore hardly have use for one) Seems a obvious thing to do but just wondered what everyone else does to get around that problem ... other than taking up smoking :rolleyes:

And another thing. I'm just full of 'em tonight. Has anyone made a trangia type gripper handle doodah thing? If so, could someone point me in the right direction for finding pix. Ta.

Thanks for your time.
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In the process of making my own now, thanks to you guys! Biscuit tin from Wilko's with a Zebra billy. I added a grate at the bottom to improve airflow, really burns well. I've not cut a feed hole in it as yet and been debateing whether to or not. What do people think on not having one? Think may be awkward with Trangia burner and twigs to fit without...

Will post pics soon.... Still not completely finished
From personal experience, and based on both mcambridge's stove and my own, I would say that a feed hole is essential. Oakhill_Wanderer has only used a trangia-type burner in his, and it would appear to be very difficult to extinguish without taking out the pan supports or by putting the supports in parallel as opposed to perpendicular/crossing. Conversely, I've only used my stove with wood, and often find that you need to add a little fuel after the initial charge if the breeze is beasting the heat from your billy.
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Im going towards removing the feed hole as it seems to limit the fire coal depth but i think i will definatly move it up or at least the bottom edge on the next one but will have to see how that effects fitting my trangia gas insert

not to bothered about a meths burner as i would never use one
but i will be experimenting with my next hobo on reducing the hole size etc

on carying Biker i personnally would never put fuel (other than a gas bottle ) inside a cooking pot or sooty stuff as I dont like the taste :D i wuld work out how much you need to carry for what you want first its probably quite a lot even for a few Brews

as for a zippo evaporating simple... carry a gas lighter :rolleyes: leave the antique at home :D where it can leak petrol vapour in peace


My problem is finding a suitable container for the alcohol fuel. So here's me asking what you use?

And another thing. I'm just full of 'em tonight. Has anyone made a trangia type gripper handle doodah thing? If so, could someone point me in the right direction for finding pix. Ta.

Did a bit of searching about and found this great Swedish site, via a link on Hammock Forums.
There's a pic of a diy pot grab on this page ,I've not made one so can't say how well it would work out ,looks easy to make though.
I'm really liking the look of those Trangia stands :D

Small Nalgene bottles are great for fuel, all different sizes available.

Thanks Puub. Frsutrating site that, me being a non Svenska reader, but the pictures speak for themselves well enough.

I like the gripper but the pots I have don't have the lip on the top edge so I need proper grippers. I have a trangia set already so I could just copy the ones I have and make another set, I just wondered if anyone had made there own unique designed ones is all.

I like that pot stand, a lot, with the adjustable height option, that's clever.

Nalgene bottles eh? Google here I come...

That swedish site is great - you can translate most of it, if you go to the homepage ( http://www.andersj.se/ ), there's a translate link at the very bottom.

I've got a spare piece of AL knocking about, so I think I'll make one of those pot grabs and see how it goes - i've got a proper one, works perfectly but it annoys me that it won't fit inside my we 10cm billy :)

Will post up some pics if I do - I've got a perfect tin for a hobo stove lined up too, Gaultier none the less!

EDIT - nevermind, the al was way too thin, designer hobo coming soon :)
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Spent some more time fiddling with my hobo stove, yes I know it's clean and unused, but the christening will take place soon.

So here it is all packed up (duh, no $hit Sherlock!):



All unpacked including a lynx effect stove. Two coffee pots from Wilkinsons that fit neatly inside one another. And two Gaz pots that had a gas cooker inside. I also cut a large tin can and that inserts inside the Ikea pot and acts as a windshield when using the lynx burner as shown here:


Finally I found a lid opener which adjust to give a better purchase on jam jar lids. Made some adaptations and here's the result.


Works too.

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WHAT?!!! :yikes:

And get them dirty?


I plan to, a bit later in the year, just need to find some space in my real life. Ho hum.

It gets worse, i bought a tin of Salco rice pudding in lidles the other day because i liked the shape of the tin (tall and thin), was thinking a 'volcano' stove with a sig bottle!
The fiendish engenuity always amazes me, but, does anyone use these to cook anything? :p

Does one 'cook' tea? I make a point of dragging mine out if I'm chopping or splitting.

The heat control on mine is better when it's in windshield mode for a gas stove. Does a fry count as cooking?
I cook fish on mine, as SHMBO is not keen on the smell of fish in the house.
As yet I have not taken it for a long walk.
Spent some more time fiddling with my hobo stove, yes I know it's clean and unused, but the christening will take place soon.

So here it is all packed up (duh, no $hit Sherlock!):



All unpacked including a lynx effect stove. Two coffee pots from Wilkinsons that fit neatly inside one another. And two Gaz pots that had a gas cooker inside. I also cut a large tin can and that inserts inside the Ikea pot and acts as a windshield when using the lynx burner as shown here:


Finally I found a lid opener which adjust to give a better purchase on jam jar lids. Made some adaptations and here's the result.


Works too.


What do you use the small Brummel tin for?
I've got one, the size looks useful but i can't think what for only a meths burnergoodjob
What do you use the small Brummel tin for?
I've got one, the size looks useful but i can't think what for only a meths burnergoodjob

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

About that Brummer stopping tin.

When I made the lynx effect stove I lit it up and placed on the pot of water to boil and it worked fine. Lifted off the tin and then looked at the burner wondering how I could turn the damned thing off. No controls, and it seemed a waste of fuel just to let it burn out. So I fixed this problem by finding a tin of just the right size. Enter stage left one Brummer tin. I cut the bottom out of it hammered the lid on good and tight and use it to drop over the burner to smother the flames. It works too, kinda. :stretcher:

I made up a tutorial for this but it seemed superfluous since there are so many here already and they're not that hard to make. Just having the confidence to try making one is the difficult part.

Still have my eyebrows, which is a good sign. Lost my fringe ages ago though. :lmao:


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