Hobo Stove Gallery (Probably picture heavy)

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Saw some containers today that could well be the basis of my first hobo - £3 in F' all austin ... no relation, never even met the girl...

I finally got round to making a hobo after about a year of meaning to do so. I used a Ikea utensil holder (which I pinched off my mum who was using it as a candle holder :D). I cut out the fuel hole and some strips down the side to allow the billy handle to fit in using a pair of tin snips, then I filed all the sharp bits off. This is the end result:





Sorry about the crappy photos, I used my phone and the auto focus is terrible.
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Hi here is my attempt at making a hobo stove.


it is made from a cutlery holder £3, a tin from a charity shop 25p, two nails and a bit of garden wire (free).


The time to heat some water seems ok, It only had one row of holes at the bottom to start but the wood only burned if the wind was blowing so now with an extra row it is much better.

Finally some food, noodles then toasted marshmallow.

Dontthink ive put this in here :rolleyes::D
but ive been working on a burner system ( ooooo a system :lmao:hark at him )
Its not quite finished yet but fairly close and some of these pics are dotted about in other threads ive linked to them where i can :rolleyes:

Ive based it on a 12cm Zebra Billy (really think the 10cm is to small and I carry a crusader mug as well) its a very good size cooking lots for one and ample for 2 and fits my pack nicely. I also like the 14cm.

I havent cut the bail off i like it like this its a better handle and you can take teh lid on and off etc when suspended over a fire etc it would save little weight and as you can see (below) where i pack it its not a problem.

So we need a wood burner bit. I dont like putting burners all sotty etc or any fuel in side my billy for storage so it has to fit on the outside the IKEA one is to small 11.5cm ( I think). Fro ma heads up on here I got one From ASDA for £3 which is 12.5cm and perfect (unfortunatly they seem to have only had one stock of them as no one can find any more :()

wit ha couple of slots cut for the bail arm points it slides in leaving about 3/4" gap in the bottom so is pretty much zero space as this is where i store the dirty bits of the stove ie pegs and grate plus a tinder and steel set

In the main billy i have a custom made (By Woody a guy i met at the Cornish RV last year) bucket bag which fits the space under the secondary pan exactly this has condements and brew kit plus a Ferro Rod and stiker this lifts in and out and keeps its shape so easy to use and pack up etc ( i hate spending hours packing little bits in the right order and place etc :rolleyes:) in the secondary pan I have a cut down to fit pot handle which is invaluble for pouring etc and can be used to move the burner as well. Theres still a bit of space here im deciding what to put in

so in use (for the light weight guys this weighs in at 1.5kg :lmao: no fuel but does have brew kit etc as below)

first level of packing up

fully packed

fits here in the top of my side pouch on top of my Hennesy hammock

pot handle with burner


thumbnails from now on
my 3yr old using for her first brew

as well as Wood / Charcoal / Meths burner / Hexi block Ive now got it to take a trangia gas burner :eek: and it woild also fit a multifuel burner to if you wanted to spend out.
this required a shelf /grate which i now also use for the wood to lift the fire of the base and get better airflow under

I wanted to use the Stove burner to cook other stuff and used ot carry a mini Wok in my kit on exercise so dug out one i had in the loft these where fro ma local chinese supermarket for a few quid on my original I had re done the handle as detachable and will MOD this one later
Stirfry can be used for most anything sauces are light and easy to carry etc plus it was invented to use little fuel
heres a authentic chinese potato bacon sausage n egg fry up :eek:

I also wanted to sort out what to do with the secondary pan as a lot of peeps drill em as strainers which seems a waste . I have seen some use them as mini ovens to do Bannock etc but on a normal open fire which you can bury it in teh embers and get all round heat. I wanted to do it on the hobo where you get all the heat on the bottom.
teh first one i did filled the pan and was bout 1.5" thick :rolleyes: it burnt a fair bit onthe bottom and i ended up breaking it into small chunks to cook it
was with choc powder and rasins as was tastey :D

so tho thick and no heat on top thinner was easier just mix less :rolleyes: then i thought if you put a chimney in the middle it should let teh heat up to teh top and keep the bread of the hottest bit the middle of the pan
i founs a bit of 1.5" copper tube and ended up with a bit of oil with a Bushcraft Begal :D

after 10 mins turned it over

for a further 5 mins

it worked well tho my dough making needs a lot of practice and i used charcoal as the fuel for a controlable even heat I think with wood its going to take a bit of practice to get teh emebers right :D
as soon as i saw this article, i thought, i hope fgyt put his up, still love this system, but i am still trying every week to get the strainer from azda lol, sparadic is not the word for them mate, i have drove the women nuts..
take care
Well its finally done, picked up an ikea strainer earlier this year and today having a spot of time on my hands (in between doing sunday lunch) i had a bash at finally making my hobo stove.

as you may have noticed from my other threat i had a couple of issues cutting through it until someone suggested tin snips, after that it was hot knife through butter time.

I then cleaned it up using some standard pliers and just grabbing and bending then wiggling the pointier bits of metal till they came of cleanly and it left me with a decent edge around my feed hole. i then filed it and voila!

I cut down 4 steel skewers and head outside earlier to test, i grabbed a pocketful of pine cones earlier to use as fuel.
lesson learned also, drier lint is out, cotton wool is perfic, specifically those face pads, split one open and it takes a spark straight away :D

got it lit and popped on an old SMA tin to boil up the water. took about 3 mins to boil. (very impressed!)





Just sewing an old trouser leg cut off for a bag and i'm done :D thoroughly enjoyed this today.
Nice looking stoves!!
Here's one I cooked up; It's made out of 2 empty 1 litre soupcans.
Because I am right handed, I made less holes on that side, so the cup's ear will not get hot. From the second can I made a lid, so i can use smaller cup or cans, too. It also helps in keeping my cookinggear clean, while using pinewood for instance.
My billycan fits in it quite good, too, but that was a bonus, not intended.



Tried it with cans with alcoholgelly


And a mixture of sand and fuel, which I read about being used by british troops fighting germans in North Africa.
It didn't quite work out the way I hoped!

This happened with a bit of extra wind;

Maybe try diesel the next time.....
Nice looking stoves!!
Here's one I cooked up; It's made out of 2 empty 1 litre soupcans.
Because I am right handed, I made less holes on that side, so the cup's ear will not get hot. From the second can I made a lid, so i can use smaller cup or cans, too. It also helps in keeping my cookinggear clean, while using pinewood for instance.
My billycan fits in it quite good, too, but that was a bonus, not intended.



Tried it with cans with alcoholgelly


And a mixture of sand and fuel, which I read about being used by british troops fighting germans in North Africa.
It didn't quite work out the way I hoped!

This happened with a bit of extra wind;

Maybe try diesel the next time.....

I hope the pictures are visible now.
Something went wrong and I don't know how to edit my posts yet.
Hi all,

This is my second hobo, this one better, lighter & more compact than the first :)

Everything nests neatly into the pot & the jet boil gives me a backup if the wood it too wet.









Thanks for looking :)


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