Hobo Stove Gallery (Probably picture heavy)

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OK, first time trying to add pics so may not work!

My hobo stove...

Its a wilko biscuit tin, flat bottom style with rounded top of the rounded tin. Switched in store, oops...
Top pic shows it in its leather bag made from old bike leather jeans. Number two is contents of bag, stove, tinder, kindling, chopsticks and blow poker (old car ariel). Number three is contents of stove, Loads! Last pic shows set up for meths burner use.

Overall, very pleased with it. Works amazing. The Caprisun packet holds the meths, by the way in case you wondered!


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Looks really good! You get a load of kit in it too!

OK, first time trying to add pics so may not work!

My hobo stove...

Its a wilko biscuit tin, flat bottom style with rounded top of the rounded tin. Switched in store, oops...
Top pic shows it in its leather bag made from old bike leather jeans. Number two is contents of bag, stove, tinder, kindling, chopsticks and blow poker (old car ariel). Number three is contents of stove, Loads! Last pic shows set up for meths burner use.

Overall, very pleased with it. Works amazing. The Caprisun packet holds the meths, by the way in case you wondered!
Still not full! got some fire lighters from 99p shop, kinda like big matches to add and a grill as well. Maybe I'm a little OTT? Working on a companion set containing food items, more on that when done and tested....
I'm gonna have a crack at this at the weekend now that i have cleverly stolen ALL of your idea's Mwuhahahha 'cough splutter' please insert maniacal laughter here lol

Thanks Dave
I'm gonna have a crack at this at the weekend now that i have cleverly stolen ALL of your idea's Mwuhahahha 'cough splutter' please insert maniacal laughter here

Thanks Dave

Will that do?
Have been meaning to post these for an age but you know how it is, you get side tracked LOL! anywho I had seen legs that have been made to raise hobo stoves off ground and thought a folding variety would be more compact, so this is what I came up with and it flippin works a treat :-)

Actually working on my first hobo stove I"ll get pictures when I can just waiting for some things to be delivered. Finally found a place in the States the sell Zebra Billy cans.
I picked up another Ikea cutlery strainer at my local boot market for 50 pence.
I ditched my mk One Hobo as I made the access hole far too big, this made the flames flare up and out the side.
Mk Two will be far smaller, just enough to light it.
I will feed wood in from the top when needed.
That grill in the bottom is very similar to what I have in mine. Can't really see it from my pics, works real good though. Always burns all wood completely and evenly.

My latest thing is bush curry, with mini naans toasted on top of Hobo, Hmmm delicious......
Here´s mine with a Titanium pot. All inspired by this forum, you guys shares some fantastic ideas here! Thanks!


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Well I went to ikea and yes I gave in and picked up a drainer!

Anyway following the KISS principal, (and the urge to light a fire) came up with this


Used an old tent pole as the pot supports (I cut slots in these so they would slot onto the drainer), leaving enough room to drop fuel through

And that is it!

Burning hexi

And burning wood


Boiled the water very fast and burned with very little smoke!
Hi chaps. Mostly a lurker here but I have just read this whole thread and decided to come out of the closet :)

You rock! There's so much ingenuity here it's mind blowing. Off to the cheap shops I go.....


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.