wow I am sorry I missed the bulk of this thread very rousing indeed (and i do enjoy a good argument). I have a lot to say on the subject. number 1,as for Mr. Read, I am a security guard by trade and I do not fault the guards or the officers (or DocBlade) for doing their jobs. I often have to enforce rules that I feel are silly regardless of my personal feelings. It seems like Mr. Read got off pretty easy I don't really know how reprimanding someone works over there.
number 2, here in the US we are embroiled in the same argument over gun control, and many of the pro-gun people (myself included) say "well, when you take all the guns away people will just start killing each other with knives, and then you will take those away and then what?" and here I am watching my countries own possible future unfold in front of me through a British looking-glass. I am a firm believer in limited government(all governments should be there to inform, and preserve, not dictate), as long as you are not negatively impacting someones life you should be allowed to do what you want, and if you do break that golden rule then the punishment should be severe. (the idea is to discourage the behavior, not limit the means)
number 3 and this is the one that really gets me!
I feel for mortalmerlin, yes he did get out of hand, and yes he broke the rules of the forum. so kudos to the moderator for handling it with tact. BUT with a capital B, I too have been admonished for speaking "passionately" on a subject (gun control over at forums, a great forum also) It seems to me that every time a subject gets "heated" someone starts screaming "off topic" or "flaming" if the topic has moved to something else then that is what the topic is (the original poster just didn't realize it
) and if we, (bushcrafters of like mind) cant argue about it, then how can we ever expect our individual governments to get it squared away.
I am just curious if its culturally accepted by you Brits to end a confrontation before it starts (for example the Japanese are VERY non-confrontational, as a culture)
I'm not knocking anyone, just curious, Here in the US we enjoy a good fight (many times to a fault
) as a matter of fact it sounds like mortalmerlin would fit into my group of friends like fish fits with chips! (I'm the reasonable one!) I think as long as good points are being made and the argument hasn't boiled down to ("statikpunk you can stuff your head in a donkeys bum and whistle yankee-doodle-dandy!") then why should it be stopped?
It sounds to me like voice is the only weapon they haven't taken away from the Brits
anyway :AR15firin keep up the good fight,
this post is off topic, and
i will stop ranting, blah blah, whatever!! and if I'm totally wrong, lets hear it, cuz I got my typing fingers cracked and ready to argue