Where's the "Like" button when you need it!Girls like clean shaven.
Women like beards.
get on with you, man! A wild rugged face, lined with experience and framed by a golden halo, tinges of gray changing the colours and patterns over the years... Absolutely stunning like the op's post 1. The colours just add sexinessJust to dampen-down the enthusiasm of the ladies, here's one of me.
Ginger beard, with grey.
get on with you, man! A wild rugged face, lined with experience and framed by a golden halo, tinges of gray changing the colours and patterns over the years... Absolutely stunning like the op's post 1. The colours just add sexiness
Colin mate, how are you doing- hope you're ok and keeping well!
Feeling great - but that may be the drugs. Still sore and linked up to a drip at the moment as having trouble staying hydrated. But the new hip seems to be working well, did some stairs today which is a big step,
Cheers for asking and I hear you've been in the wars too!?
Here's my freshly regrown (cut it off for the first time in decades a whiles back) and nicely trimmed beard from my hospital bed.