What a fantastic thread, in particular ref to JD's post.
Ill put my coppers head on if I may and offer a few observations.
1) If what your saying is true JD, then ive no doubt that the cause is human, wether it be a prankster or someone that has been living a little too long in the woods.
2) The sign that you have found, where exactly was it in relation to where your tent was and how soon after the incident was it found ?
3) How far away from your tent is the nearest cover, enough to hide a man i mean ? I ask this because could he have hidden himself and used something on a long stick to scrape your tent with.
( This would sound logical if there was no approach sounds heard and no sign close by around your tent )
4) The pistachios are intruiging. Not knowing what the shelf life is of a bag of pistachios, if they last forever then ' he ' has obviously took them in with him when he started. If not then he is getting them from somewhere. Are there any shops nearby. I would be asking at these shops if they have had anyone that appears a little out of the ordinary in buying supplies. If ' he ' is not actually living in the woods then he could of course be getting them from anywhere.
5) How far away is the nearest habitation ?
6) Maybe an e mail to Ian Maxwell at Shadowhawk would interest him enough to come along and offer his skills.
7) Do you know anybody in a mountain rescue team ? Im thinking if you do then ask if one of their SARDA dogs fancy a little exercise.
Following this thread with much excitement