Ever lose a knife, over and over??

Lost my car key...

went to Sweden, NEVER lost car keys, first time I deliberately left spare keys at home...guess what...

Yep 1600 km's (1000 miles in funnytalk) away from home I went through all my gear all my pockets over and over again, walked the same trails....but could NOT find my car key...

Luckily some friends came over from Holland to do the Weiss course (I was already there...), called and asked a friend to pick up my spare key (big thank you again!)...

Two days later... yep... found the key (AARGH.....) I sweat it was a hidden pocket I never saw before ;-)

Btw, I found a G shock watch in Broome (WA, 2004) after a trip thru the Kimberleys... still have it, great watch....

Grtz Johan


Nov 29, 2010
Dalarna Sweden
This phenomena is easily explained, it's all down to the humble domestic washing machine. Through a series of experiments I have proven that an aggressive spin cycle can often generate a rift in the space/time continuum. These rifts are quite small - about the size of a rolled up sock - and generally restricted to the confines of the washing machine. Unfortunately the drum makes a poor containment device so it's not uncommon for these rifts to occur in random places throughout the house. For reasons unexplained, the rifts seem to be attracted to small metal objects - generally the more expensive, rare or difficult to replace the greater the chance it will be swallowed by a rift. As far as I can tell it's a two way process so it's not unusual for objects to reappear after several years absence.

My advice? tie the knife to something larger than a sock :)

See! \that's why I can not find my weddingring anymore!
I used to wear it on a leather string around my neck, together with a healing stone/lucky charm. Safetymeasures at work prohibited the ring being worn on the fingers. The string broke and I caught the ring and stone falling down. Came home, put them on the base of a lamp, standing on a pedestal next to the diningroomtable. That's where I used to lay my wallet and cellphone, too.
After a few days, when I had gotten a new string, I went over to the lamp...... ring and stone gone! Nowhere to be found!
At first I thought it had been taking by goblins of some sort, but the spinningtheory makes sence, too....


Nov 6, 2010
I did lose a zippo once. A friend that was in the navy gave it to me, from his ship. Then several years later he stole it back from me. I'd cry if I lost my G-Shock!
Bluemerle, you need one of those Silva compasses with the mirror, that way you can see who is lost :)

Yep, i had one of those compasses, no idea where it is now!!

Everything Mac

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 30, 2009
No but I do have a habit of loosing SAK's on field trips.

I went through a couple then managed to get 5 for a pound each at the local market - should keep me going for a while.



Jun 8, 2010
Where I work we cut up dozens of boxes each day, and instead of using box cutters, we all walk around using our own folders. A friend of mine looses his knife every day, he leaves it on the counter, on the toilet, just everywhere. Fortunately we find it every time. I lost a Spydie delica 2 times, and the last time it was never found.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.