Dumb question 101


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
Is there one shop online where you can get “it all”? By “all” I mean (it’s hard to explain, )
Well my shopping list is
Frost clipper or carbon steel equivalent
One litre water bottle
Maya (fatwood) sticks
Swiss army stove
550 Paracord (50+yards)
I have found them all available online I would like to buy them in the next few days, and have them arrive in one go. it starts to get expensive if I have to pay separate postage on all of the items (from separate shops) . I’m taking my little girl camping in two weeks time (school holidays so it’s bound to cost an arm and a leg) I’m not made of money, so any money I have I want to spend on enjoying camping with my little girl rather than giving it away in postage.

So any recommendations would be very helpful.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Try your local army surplus; it's astonishing what some of them carry as everyday stock, and nothing on your list is unusual stuff. Besides, think of the postage you'll save :D .......just remember to stick to the list :rolleyes: :eek:



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
Tadpole said:
Well my shopping list is
Frost clipper or carbon steel equivalent
One litre water bottle
Maya (fatwood) sticks
Swiss army stove
550 Paracord (50+yards)

So any recommendations would be very helpful.

Maya (fatwood) sticks
Swiss army stove

These two will probably be your down fall...

Try Surplus and adventure, they have a good variety of kit...



Apr 25, 2006
Sussex, England
Well I didn't know what Maya sticks were, so did a quick search and found this site. It seems to have everything you are looking for, well at least from a quick check.

I can't recommend the site as never used it, as I say it just came up as a google, although I'm sure someone here will probably be able to give you some feedback if needed.


I can't seem to get the link to work but if you google Penrith Survival I'm sure you'll find it.



Full Member
Guy's there are plenty of places to get Maya sticks.

Pib, the site that you put the link upto used to be survival aids, they are now known as Penrith Survival. I have had dealings with them both before and after the name change.

They aren't bad, but you could probably find better if you dug around a little.

The last lot of maya sticks I bought I got from e-bay and they cost me £1.50 per pack (it's the cheapest I have ever seen them for), I bought 2 or three packs and it cost about a quid in postage.


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
leon-1 said:
Guy's there are plenty of places to get Maya sticks.

Pib, the site that you put the link upto used to be survival aids, they are now known as Penrith Survival. I have had dealings with them both before and after the name change.


I’m sorry, I think I wasn’t very clear, I know that all the items on my list are easy (ish) to get hold of, it getting them all in one place that seems to be the problem, Lots of stores carry some of them, and between three of the stores recommended I can fill my list, my hope/wish was to get them all in the same store. In one store I could get the maya stick, but the postage is 65 pence more than the value of my purchase, and I can get all the rest in two or more stores but the postage is £6 more then it would be if I got it all in one place. I guess my question has been answered, “does one shop sell it all” and the answer is… No Thank you all for your help :You_Rock_


Jun 24, 2006
by the lakes
i know it's cheating but for fail safe firelighting you could cover the top of an egg box in candle wax it soaks it up and acts as a wick (cut the top off ) also joke brithday candles they not much thinker as a lifeboat match but last mins not secs and won't blow out trying to think of stuff round the house if no cash


Full Member
Tadpole said:
I’m sorry, I think I wasn’t very clear, I know that all the items on my list are easy (ish) to get hold of, it getting them all in one place that seems to be the problem, Lots of stores carry some of them, and between three of the stores recommended I can fill my list, my hope/wish was to get them all in the same store. In one store I could get the maya stick, but the postage is 65 pence more than the value of my purchase, and I can get all the rest in two or more stores but the postage is £6 more then it would be if I got it all in one place. I guess my question has been answered, “does one shop sell it all” and the answer is… No Thank you all for your help :You_Rock_

You were really clear, the point that I have is have you ever tried before you buy, Tony being Tony said that if you want this you can get it from him, I will tell you now If you want to use a Swedish military Kit then just give me a bell and you have the option to use one, I will send it to you free of charge, In the end Tony wil ask you for money to pay for the maya sticks because they are destroyed.

Maya sticks burn to nothing, the mess kit will not, so if you don't like it then you don't have to worry apart from sending it back to me at the end
, or if you like it then PM me and I will sell you it for the same price as I bought it for on a group buy.

Why not use it, I have and it is good, but I have so many kits made from so many materials and they in the long run are better, but in one package and not paying in excess of £50, you would be hard pushed.

In this case it cost a lot less, please PM bumblebee to ask what the cost of a single mess kit is and I will send it to you for the same cost.

That may solve some of the problems and ATB,



Oct 20, 2005
Hampshire, UK
I love it here

There's this guy wanting to get some kit together and asking for advice. as well as good, considerd advice he gets the option of a trial run, for free, of all kinds of kit.

Amazing. And all hidden away in some quiet corner of the internet.

You guys! You know what?



Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
Thanks to everyone who posted in response to my question
With the amazing generosity of Andyn for his "fatsticks and stuff" package and the unbelievable helpfulness of Jasper at
http://www.strikeforcesupplies.co.uk/index.php. I managed to get all on my list, from one shop. (Not the maya sticks) I phoned him on Saturday with my list, he was sort of apologetic, but he didn’t have it all. I explained to him what I wanted and he promised to get back to me if he managed to get hold of the bits he didn’t have.
To cut a long story short I got a text on the Sunday night he’d found everything I wanted (swapped stuff in exchange with another dealer) I rang him on the Monday morning and had all my kit that Thursday. I priced up what it would have cost me to buy it either separate or from two or more shops and I saved between £8 and £12 in postage.
My camping trip with my little girl went fantastically, lighting the barbeque for breakfast on the second day was simplicity itself because of the fatwood Andyn had sent me. I chopped one piece in to pieces about 8mm square feather sticked it. (I tried to light them just from the sparks of my firesteel, the curls were fine enough, but I need a bit more practice I think) in the end I was forced to add small amount of my second favourite tinder, fluff from the tumble drier. Two strikes later the wood was burning and within minutes the barbeque was lit and breakfast was started. (In the falling rain/drizzle) we cooked out doors for the whole trip, even my wife was impressed with the set up. (she wants to go to the moot next year as does my little girl)


Aug 25, 2006
pibbleb said:
Well I didn't know what Maya sticks were, so did a quick search and found this site. It seems to have everything you are looking for, well at least from a quick check.

I can't recommend the site as never used it, as I say it just came up as a google, although I'm sure someone here will probably be able to give you some feedback if needed.


I can't seem to get the link to work but if you google Penrith Survival I'm sure you'll find it.


penrith survival is what survival aids became when they folded - they kick started the likes of bcb nomad and such and failed because they couldn't get enough stuff and people started to copy and under cut them - their baccy tins are excellent in the extreme and show the bcb stuff up no end - well worth the 20 quid and you really dont need to touch it.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.