Dogs and Tents (how do people cope)


Sep 16, 2008
east yorkshire
they look useful spanielman not much info on the link but looks like something you could put on the dog whilst in the tent to dry of, this would stop the shaking etc then after they have dried of looks like it might double up for a bed with an old bit of kip mat on top.

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
I don't do much camping these days, normally I'm tenting when at shows and so have my car. The dog stays there ;)

I used to try sleeping in the tent with him, but he would manage to push me off the thermarest and end up on it himself (even though he had a blanket). He also struggled to work out that the door will not open automatically and kept trying ot throw himself through the wall! :rolleyes:


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I only take the dog when i know the weather is going to be half deacent. I tried to get her in the hammock but it was a nightmare so gave up on that idea.
If i am taking the dog with me i will sleep on the floor which makes it a lot easier. I allways bring an extra blanket for drying the dog and to cover her up at night.
If i am honest most of the time the dog just keeps headbutting me in the middle of the night until i let her crawl down to the bottom of my sleeping bag for a kip :rolleyes:

I do love taking the dog but sometimes its just not practical. Especially if hunting for bunnies n such. Being a staff she is bloody useless in the woods.


Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
I love the idea of trying to get a dog in the hammock with you! :lol: Mine is taller than me on his hind legs and takes up more than his fair share of the double bed, so I don't think I would ever try it in a hammock :D


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 30, 2006
Nr Chester
I love the idea of trying to get a dog in the hammock with you! :lol: Mine is taller than me on his hind legs and takes up more than his fair share of the double bed, so I don't think I would ever try it in a hammock :D

Yeah i knew it was going to end in failure but i do prefer a night in the hammock as opposed to the floor :(
Ah well atleast the dog keeps me warm when i do have to floor dwell....


Mar 9, 2009
I use a blanket, she is happy as long as she is close to me. I pack a towl to dry her off a bit too, she has a short coat so that helps alot.

Plus If i'm using a tent she stays in the pourch of it.

I don't take her out that much as she is getting long in the tooth now, plus if its raining unless she gets soaked fast she hate it and would rather be in the warm inside.


Aug 11, 2006
In a boat somewhere
We used to take Rocky with us regularly. Very easy to have in the tent.


We found a rug or piece of cloth he was familiar with would help to keep him where we wanted him within the tent. In a 'something to lie on' sense. We are big fans of a tarp for cooking under which helps. We also have a couple of 'Pigs willies, ground anchors, if you know what I mean for canoeing, which can be used for when the child clutching afraid of the devil dog types get too OTT. Also goes down well with the farming community!

Collapsible bowl, dried dog food and other usual dog paraphernalia to find space for, but all part of the joy of dog ownership.

Rocky is no longer with us, he's chasing the celestial postman now. He's given us many fine memories from trips though.

My dog, Nûk, is always with me when out and about.
In my small army tent she sleeps in front of the opening, on a woolen army blanket.

When expecting rain I fold her blanket over my sleepingbag and in the evening when she enters the tent, at least my sleeping bag is staying dry.

However sometimes, well most of the time.....she is lying already on my side of the tent.
And very reluctant to move!

She is a good companion, very alert and hearing everything. She is part Ridgeback.
Very strong dog.
Si I dont mind when I am disturbed in my sleep because she is making a nest again.

When I sleep in my hammock, she sleeps under it, on her woolen blanket, no problem at

Best regards,



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