Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I hadn't realised there was a revised edition with more in it. Will have to see if I can get a copy. One of those books every kid should read.


Jun 7, 2009
Sorry double post lol
Anne Frank Captured.

Acting on tip from a Dutch informer, the Nazi Gestapo captures 15-year-old Jewish diarist Anne Frank and her family in a sealed-off area of an Amsterdam warehouse. The Franks had taken shelter there in 1942 out of fear of deportation to a Nazi concentration camp. They occupied the small space with another Jewish family and a single Jewish man, and were aided by Christian friends, who brought them food and supplies. Anne spent much of her time in the "secret annex" working on her diary. The diary survived the war, overlooked by the Gestapo that discovered the hiding place, but Anne and nearly all of the others perished in the Nazi death camps.

Annelies Marie Frank was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, on June 12, 1929. She was the second daughter of Otto Frank and Edith Frank-Hollander, both of Jewish families that had lived in Germany for centuries. With the rise of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in 1933, Otto moved his family to Amsterdam to escape the escalating Nazi persecution of Jews. In Holland, he ran a successful spice and jam business. Anne attended a Montessori school with other middle-class Dutch children, but with the German invasion of the Netherlands in 1940 she was forced to transfer to a Jewish school. In 1942, Otto began arranging a hiding place in an annex of his warehouse on the Prinsengracht Canal in Amsterdam.
On her 13th birthday in 1942, Anne began a diary relating her everyday experiences, her relationship with her family and friends, and observations about the increasingly dangerous world around her. Less than a month later, Anne's older sister, Margot, received a call-up notice to report to a Nazi "work camp." Fearing deportation to a Nazi concentration camp, the Frank family took shelter in the secret annex the next day. One week later, they were joined by Otto Frank's business partner and his family. In November, a Jewish dentist—the eighth occupant of the hiding place—joined the group.
For two years, Anne kept a diary about her life in hiding that is marked with poignancy, humor, and insight. The entrance to the secret annex was hidden by a hinged bookcase, and former employees of Otto and other Dutch friends delivered them food and supplies procured at high risk. Anne and the others lived in rooms with blacked-out windows, and never flushed the toilet during the day out of fear that their presence would be detected. In June 1944, Anne's spirits were raised by the Allied landing at Normandy, and she was hopeful that the long-awaited liberation of Holland would soon begin.
On August 1, 1944, Anne made her last entry in her diary. Three days later, 25 months of seclusion ended with the arrival of the Nazi Gestapo. Anne and the others had been given away by an unknown informer, and they were arrested along with two of the Christians who had helped shelter them. They were sent to a concentration camp in Holland, and in September Anne and most of the others were shipped to the Auschwitz death camp in Poland. In the fall of 1944, with the Soviet liberation of Poland underway, Anne was moved with her sister Margot to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. Suffering under the deplorable conditions of the camp, the two sisters caught typhus and died in early March 1945. The camp was liberated by the British less than two months later.
Otto Frank was the only one of the 10 to survive the Nazi death camps. After the war, he returned to Amsterdam via Russia, and was reunited with Miep Gies, one of his former employees who had helped shelter him. She handed him Anne's diary, which she had found undisturbed after the Nazi raid. In 1947, Anne's diary was published by Otto in its original Dutch as Diary of a Young Girl. An instant best-seller and eventually translated into more than 50 languages, The Diary of Anne Frank has served as a literary testament to the nearly six million Jews, including Anne herself, who were silenced in the Holocaust.
The Frank family's hideaway at Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam opened as a museum in 1960. A new English translation of Anne's diary in 1995 restored material that had been edited out of the original version, making the work nearly a third longer.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Well that's the truck all packed now, ready for the off in the morning. Just need to pick up supplies, on my way through Bridgend tomorrow, then twelve days of Mootie loveliness..Been looking forward to this all year.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Van fully packed - including my genuine antique pith helmet (none of your modern repros for me!
I just need to pick up some of Rolys gear in the morning on my way :)
It is one full to the brim little van!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Ah I can imagine the Bridgend cops bemusedly scratching their heads as gypsy like van loads of pithhelmeted bearded men (and women) appear from all compass points. Wondering "Which foreign power is invading up here." Then remembering that it's MOOT time and that it's the gathering of the tribes of well armed but more likely to debate you to death Bushcrafters of Great Britain.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
I used to take groups to get Amsterdamaged, walk 'em round, get 'em faceless, carry them home safe etc ;) but we hd an AWFUL moment outside Anne Franks... one of the party had absolutely collapsed with giggles, tears, the works- and it was damned funny so we were all in high spirits and laughing at her helplessness. Didn't realise as we passed the museum that the americans queing right round the corner thought she'd just come out and we were goading her, we nearly got lynched until she came round and explained it wan't like that at all!

her diary should be in every school library. fabulous and poigniant. I'm afraid our tourists were more the sex museum type though :)


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I'm afraid our tourists were more the sex museum type though :)

I fear that Narced Sky Lolls and Be Bezel Lob were looking for the sex museum and found the Anne Frank one by mistake.:rolleyes: And Daddy Kerb I left them in charge...Sheeesh!

You've had a colourful time by the sounds of it though Auntie Orb Rug Lit?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
See Daddies met his 2nd in command.

I wish we had an uplink and speakers at the naughty corner, specially for the wonderful pictures and Fighting Trousers song, even my Eldest was bopping round the house to it this morning... Rapping like a Sir, BRILLIANT :D

its a lovely thought that some of the best times in life might be yet to happen, maybe a few over the next couple of weeks :D
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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I wish we had an uplink and speakers at the naughty corner, specially for the wonderful pictures and Fighting Trousers song, even my Eldest was bopping round the house to it this morning... Rapping like a Sir, BRILLIANT :D

its a lovely thought that some of the best times in life might be yet to happen, maybe a few over the next couple of weeks :D

I'm jealous but happy at the same time. Would love to go, but happy that you're all going to have fun and regale me with stories to fire my imagination.

And just for you Aunt Sal as the biggest car nut I know.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
... And just for you Aunt Sal as the biggest car nut I know....
Hahaha I love the line about 'oooh baby, please lift that restraining order....' ;)

You've got me absolutely sussed, nephew mine... if your young bro brings his L200 I'd be delighted to dance like that around it. Bring polishing cloths for afterwards ;)


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Hahaha I love the line about 'oooh baby, please lift that restraining order....' ;)

You've got me absolutely sussed, nephew mine... if your young bro brings his L200 I'd be delighted to dance like that around it. Bring polishing cloths for afterwards ;)

Oi, ands orft da moter!

Yours Daftly
Lord Sly Slacken.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
Just nothing with buckles and buttons that'll damage the paint. (Was my worry in the vid, that jacket on an Aston Martin paintjob).:)
All my valeting clothing is non scratch of course... its not good winding it down to rose royce with the headphones so loud you can't hear the screech of paint being gouged ;)
[video=youtube;GFVcqVM9vhw][/video]Theres a much better extended mix with pics but I'm trying to be discrete for a change ;) It's always difficult to know what to do with your stilettos when valeting, I find... ;)
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