Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
That got a roar of laughter Colin. Very good reply. Thanks!
I suppose a "Hey Colin's clone, c'mere a sec would ya. :nutkick: pass that on the genuine version please, thanks." would be out of order then? :D

:lmao::lmao: A :nutkick: from the man who could still fire his bow, with two arrows in the back of his leg, would be a :nutkick: indeed. So the answer is no.


May 12, 2004
"Gay boot" (good name by the way) should have guessed, the open sewer ran right past his headboard and through the wall, what more clue would he have needed? Perhaps he was just desperate for pastures new?

Sewer? How was he to know it was a sewer? You'd been telling us it was a paddling pool since we were toddlers :(

The urge to travel was shared by all of us (well not your dratted favourite with his lah-di-dah scalextric set) and wasn't driven so much by the need to find pastures new as by the need to find pastures with heating, beds without wildlife, modern sanitation and shelter that kept rain out rather than funelling it onto the bed.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Took up? I never noticed the transition :D

You kids have such an imagination. :You_Rock_ I suppose you're going to blame me for not letting you call Esther Rantzen at Childline, the fact we had the phone disconnected in the house is not my fault. If that customer I sorted (Meri Wilson) had kept her sweet mouth shut I'd still be employed with Telecom and with the free phone calls 24/7.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Anybody need three rather mature children? Two are very nearly house broken, the other one still eats crayons, but otherwise they're a great investment for the future. With their vivid imagination each one is destined to be another J.K Rowling... when they get around to learning to write of course.

Reason for trade/giveaway - They're getting to be a handful for my old bones nowadays. I'd rather have dog (even an incontinent dog!) than these little disrespectful little turds. These come with a no return, sorry. I would say buyer beware but I'm willing to pay you to take 'em.

Would be willing to split 'em too. Just name the size of the chunks. I have a chainsaw.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Yeah I noticed the distinct lack of replies, I did hear crickets and see tumbleweed though. Perhaps I can stall the Gift it On thread with them?
:vio::nana::nana:On with the info.

Today in 1967.
August 1 - . 22:33 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC13. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas Agena D SLV-3. LV Configuration: SLV-3 Agena D 5805 (AA24) / Agena D 6634.

Lunar Orbiter 5 - . Payload: Lunar Orbiter E. Mass: 389 kg (857 lb). Nation: USA. Agency: NASA Langley. Class: Moon. Type: Lunar probe. Spacecraft: Lunar Orbiter. Decay Date: 1968-01-31 . USAF Sat Cat: 2907 . COSPAR: 1967-075A. Lunar Orbiter V was launched from the Eastern Test Range at 6:33 p.m. EDT August 1. The Deep Space Net Tracking Station at Woomera, Australia, acquired the spacecraft about 50 minutes after liftoff. Signals indicated that all systems were performing normally and that temperatures were within acceptable limits. At 12:48 p.m. EDT August 5, Lunar Orbiter V executed a deboost maneuver that placed it in orbit around the moon. The spacecraft took its first photograph of the moon at 7:22 a.m. EDT August 6. Before it landed on the lunar surface on January 31, 1968, Lunar Orbiter V had photographed 23 previously unphotographed areas of the moon's far side, the first photo of the full earth, 36 sites of scientific interest, and 5 Apollo sites for a total of 425 photos.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005

On this day in 1793 France became the first country to adopt the metric system, it was the start of the erosion of Britain's old measurement system. LINK
And it confused the heck out of us on 15 February 1971 when we officially adopted the decimal system.
Common nameAmount
Farthing¼d[SUP]5[/SUP]⁄[SUB]48[/SUB]p ≈ 0.104p
Halfpenny½d[SUP]5[/SUP]⁄[SUB]24[/SUB]p ≈ 0.208p
Penny1d[SUP]5[/SUP]⁄[SUB]12[/SUB]p ≈ 0.417p
Florin/Two shillings2/-10p
Half crown2/612½p
Birthdays: -
1819 - Herman Melville, New York, author (Moby Dick), (d. 1891)
1933 - Dom DeLuise, Brooklyn New York, American comedian (End, Cannonball Run, Fatso)
1942 - Jerry Garcia, SF, rocker (Grateful Dead-Uncle John's Band, Sugar Magnolia)

Deaths: -
1966 - Charles Whitman, kills 17 at U of Texas, shot by cops.
was an engineering student and former United States Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage located in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Three people were shot and killed inside the university's tower and eleven others were murdered after Whitman fired at random from the 28th-floor observation deck of the Main Building. Whitman was shot and killed by Austin Police Officer Houston McCoy.
Prior to the shootings at the University of Texas, Whitman had murdered both his wife and mother in Austin.



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Decimal day! I remember that soooo well. Bought a Mars bar one day with a 6d, next day I had to spend 5p on the same thing. Price had effectively doubled overnight. Now that's inflation! :yikes:

Used to feel rich as a kid with a few large coppery smelling coins in your hand, then yes as you say the prices rocketed overnight. I still use a mix of metric and imperial. Tell me the height of mountain or distance to somewhere in metric and I've no inner idea as to what you're talking about. Doesn't help that I worked in an archaic industry that still uses old imperial measurements like rods, chains and furlongs for distance acres and perch for area and cord for wood.

Maybe that's why my house tunnelling didn't go so well - was mixing my measurements:)


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
No pappy Berki! Please not Auntie Rub! She's weird (even by our family's standards). Even her crisps taste funny :(

It would be nice, she'd love us and hug us and call us George...



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.