Best cheese in the world

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I usually go to the cheese rolling event in Gloucester, I’ve been for enough years now I’m friends with the owners of the cheese company that sponsors the event. We always visit the farm afterwards, meet the cows, taste cheese and buy sausages off them.

It’s my favourite cheese especially the double Gloucester which is the one that’s used for rolling down the hill. Check it out

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What is this weirdness.

I saw her watching something on her iPad this morning. I asked her what she was doing and she said “watching the cheese on a webcam”. I thought she was being sarcastic. I mean who actually says those words and means it. Such a weirdo.

But it gets worse. I literally got back in just 10 minutes ago. And there on the massive TV there it is. Live cave cheese feed in glorious HD with surround sound.

I really hope she hasn’t ordered a whole one. But looking at the invoice telling me it’s 600g. I’m guessing she has. We already have some coming next Thursday too :banghead2:
I usually go to the cheese rolling event in Gloucester, I’ve been for enough years now I’m friends with the owners of the cheese company that sponsors the event. We always visit the farm afterwards, meet the cows, taste cheese and buy sausages off them.

It’s my favourite cheese especially the double Gloucester which is the one that’s used for rolling down the hill. Check it out

Why’d you have to tell her about that. That’d be right up her street of stoopidity.
  • Haha
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I Don’t understand what the sizes meant so I got the one that looked the best. Its coming on Tuesday :happy: You and mom can have the other one all to yourself.

I saw the cheese chase on Countryfile. They all look mad, and if you win the locals don’t like it as they are the cheese champions and want to keep it that way. They try and trip others up so they don’t get the cheese.
I saw the cheese chase on Countryfile. They all look mad, and if you win the locals don’t like it as they are the cheese champions and want to keep it that way. They try and trip others up so they don’t get the cheese.

I think that was made up for the show. Trust me when I say it’s far too steep to try and make any sort of “plan” when your bouncing down the hill. But yes, most of the winners are locals.

Last time I was there the girl who won (after receiving a dislocated shoulder) was the third time champ!
I’ve been there a couple of years ago. Yeah, it’s dead steep. I saw a documentary on it - not sure if it’s the one Pops watched. It was about the then current champion doing it again after it was banned for a year or so. He definitely got mobbed by the others as he tried to win. Crazy fool must have done cartwheels most of the way, reaching crazy heights and landing in all kinds of bad ways at some speed. Amazingly. No injury. Must be some really nice cheese for people to do that.
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I can help with the cheese disposal if poppy has ordered too much...;) but then you can never have too much cheese can you?
I ascribe to the theory that cheese is an excellent way to store excess milk. The process soon becoming a deliberate part of the diet. The innovations that we all speak of must run back thousands of years.

I enjoy the diversity. I don't fog my goggles over one variety. Canadian cheddar is an establishment favorite. Grouse hunting requites cut up "finger foods" such as apples and gruyere or emmenthal (and NO, not the substitutes made here in Canuckistan.) Sour, aromatic, rubbery cheeses with large gas vacuoles appeal to nobody else in my entire family except me.
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I ascribe to the theory that cheese is an excellent way to store excess milk. The process soon becoming a deliberate part of the diet. The innovations that we all speak of must run back thousands of years.

I enjoy the diversity. I don't fog my goggles over one variety. Canadian cheddar is an establishment favorite. Grouse hunting requites cut up "finger foods" such as apples and gruyere or emmenthal (and NO, not the substitutes made here in Canuckistan.) Sour, aromatic, rubbery cheeses with large gas vacuoles appeal to nobody else in my entire family except me.

The mouldy stuff is the best!
Several years ago, I bought a seat in a cheese making class. Fascinating, we made 4 different cheeses. Was interesting in that much of the flavor development was done with bacterial cultures, different sorts for each cheese type.

At it unfolded, we became aware of the huge obstacles that Ag Canada and Health Canada have put up to discourage(?) small-time, artisan cheese makers.
I recall that the harassment drove one family, trying to get started, right away from this valley.

A fine, ripened Camembert or Brie, that melts on a warm day to be scraped up with crackers is hard to beat. I like Tressa, if and when I can ever find any, rare even in the city.


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