BCUK Bushmoot 2008

Path Finder

Jan 3, 2008
Hi Guys

I just wanted to post this, as it was my first visit to a Moot. I left feeling very nutured by all. Special thanks to Tony, Stuart, Neil, Dave and many more for making me feel very welcome.

Not forgetting close friend Will Lord and I had a wonderful opportunity to work for the first time with Rhoda and Angie runing a tracking workshop together it was great to be with them and I had a lot of fun Thanks also to Kurt for making the tea and sausages cheers mate. Tim it was great to meet you at last, keep in touch buddy and it was good to see Spence as well.

As for the set up, it was very well organised, people were very friendly, generous and helpful I had a great discussion on Friday night with Dave and Chris etc.

The workshop content was without doubt really good catering for a wide range of people and I certainly heard no descend what-so-ever.

Once again thank you everyone for making this a very enjoyable time the only down side was I had to leave on Sunday.

Warm wishes to you all


chas brookes

Life Member
Jun 20, 2006
west sussex
Many thanks to Tony, Stuart and all the other Mootley Crew for making the weekend such an enjoyable one. :You_Rock_
As usual everyone appeared to be having a great time and I certainly had a great time at the workshops I attended. It was great to be able to also assist George this year at his Bowdrill sessions and it was great to see first timers grins of satisfaction when their hard earnt embers burst into flame.
I for one will definitely be back next year


Life Member
May 22, 2006
West London
A big thank you to all of you who came to the moot, it was a joy to share my knowlege and skills with you all.

Sandsnakes (Roderick):You_Rock_


Full Member
Mar 16, 2008
I only got back an hour ago, traffic was awful!!!

Yes, I had a great moot to. many MANY thanks to all you people who looked after me on monday, I was made to feel very welcome and looked after, thanks to all you guys in Scots corner for your warmth and tatty cakes, The most enjoyable day Ive had for a long long tim.e


Life Member
Had a really great time, so many workshops so little time, I spent every spare minute listening to Mors lectures, seriously excellent stuff. Thanks to the Lords for a great afternoon, not only for the tuition, but the great crack and stories that went with it.

Last but by no means least, Tony, the Mods and the guys and gals who ran the workshops, bloody well done guys. :You_Rock_

A member of Scots corner. :rolleyes:



Full Member
Jun 12, 2007
I also had a great time met many great people.The workshops were great and i learnt loads.
The mootly crew did a great job.
We had good weather most of the time!.
I'd also like to say that the area 51 girls and boys were pussycats.....as long as you kept them in drink;)


Oct 7, 2004
Northwich, Cheshire
Just finished unpacking and repacking as I am taking my kids and some friends away camping for a couple of days today.

I had another fantastic Moot and thanks to Tony, Shelly, Stuart and the rest of the Mootley crew for organising the event.

My particular thanks go to Mark and Chas for assisting on the Bow Drill and Rich59 for as usual being such good company.

From the looks on most folks faces the Bowdrill seemed to be a hit and in particular the looks on all the childrens faces as they helped their families make flame using the Group Bowdrill.

Cheers and good luck to everyone who is working on their Bowdrill technique.



Apr 13, 2008
Vancouver Island, BC.
Many thanks to all who organised, instructed, helped out or just chatted over the last few days to make this a superb first Bushmoot for the Trippy family.

Yet another annual event to add to the calendar!



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 8, 2006
More Thanks to everyone who organised the moot and all the people who shared their skills.
The Flint knapping on Sun was real fun thanks Will and John. It was worth it for the laughs alone as well as the amazing skills seen and atempted, and one of many highlights was the wild food sessions and cooking.
Tried to do everything but missed a few things so guess I'll have to go agin next year!
Cheers to Spam, Mick Miller and Rob Van Winkle back at camp for making it such a complete and fun time. Have to keep an eye out for that table for next year!.
I could quite easyly have stayed in the Hut listening to Mors all week.
Well done George on that ember BTW.


Jun 15, 2007
Peak District
Wow - what an amazing event. Such a friendly and supportive environment to learn in.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to share skills and knowledge with me.
It simultaneously managed to be really fun, relaxed and wonderfully well organised - a testament to Tony and the crew's efforts and attitude.

Hopefully we'll be back again next year :)

Cap'n Badger

Jul 18, 2006
Port o' Cardiff
Thank 'e!!.......What a fantastic 5 days:notworthy
'Tis a damn shame t' come back t' the city.....but I'm soooooooo recharged by the warmth, friendliness, willingness t' share, COMEDY, talent, organisation an' general happiness by everyone who attended this year...(exept one!...:aargh4: ....:nono: ).
Special big fat pirate handshakes go to....Everyone who attended the 'Area formally known as the Naughty corner '51'. Ye all contributed t' me smiles o'er the five days.
Tony an' all the MootModz, fer all the 'behind the scenes' work, without which none o' it would work.:You_Rock_
Wayland (Van Helsing)....fer rodent removal.:D
Dave, Womble an Spike...fer The laughs, music an' friendship.:headbang:
Everyone who 'passed a bottle' fer taste testin'....hic:notworthy

Big bows t' those who didn't skin me fer winnin' the raffle prize....:lmao: :lmao:
Only another 12 months t' go t' the next one:eek: .......better start repackin' me bergen...lmao

An' finally.....some photo's......didn't take many folks.....Had me hands full o' beer most o' the time..lol

http://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b13/Captain123/Bushmoot 2008/
.......The Bernie Garland knife was the raffle prize......mine, mine, mine, mine....:lmao:

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
I don't know what the weather is like at the site today, as I think I brought most of the rain back home with me! I've wrung out some tarps and have the tent and parachute being washed by even more "Welsh Sunshine" as I type.
The Moots keep getting better every year, the hospitality and friendliness & willingness to share/eagerness to learn is a credit to everybody - thanks for making it such a great event.


Ogri the trog


Sep 22, 2003
Aldershot, Hampshire, UK
I had a really great time at the moot, exactly what I needed after the Scout camp that immediately preceeded it. I did some great workshops, met some wonderful people all over again and slept soundly in my hammock - no matter what the weather!

Not only that, but I discovered a pirate crew that that made the Naughty Corner look like Cub Scouts...:D


Aug 30, 2007
South Shropshire
Thanks everyone, it was great to meet new and old friends alike.

The workshops rocked and everyone was amazingly friendly.

A big thank you goes out to Will and John Lord for their patience with me on the Flint Knapping, especially with my attempts at making a complete mess.

Thanks to Toddy for showing me how to make a basket and being the nicest person I've ever met (as the twiglets put it, Mother Nature)
Thank you Russell for the wonderful spoon and I hope your finger gets better too, I can't believe you got a coal from the bowdrill set with that injury!

A big big thumbs up, a pat on the back and a hug to George (GwhtBushcraft) for being a great sport with the Challenge George session, a big pat on the back to Scrumpy, Titch, DarkHorse Dave, Toadflax and Mesquite for staying.

A big thank you to Tony and the Crew for making it happen!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.