Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

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Do you own (or have you owned) a SAK?

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They're great I have had the same knife for 16 years now. Lost it umpteen times and found it again...(touch wood)
Its seen some serious abuse, snapped the tip off the small blade, and there is just a stump of the awl left. The scales got attacked with a soldering iron when i was at college. So these got heavily carved/engraved. And the main blade got a light engraving when i was practising for a locket for my good lady. I would love to get it repaired.
Lots of sentimental history that knife i suppose. I certainly would not want a replacement. Mainly just the awl fixed (used to work well on locks :roll: )
The can opener is one of the best i have come across, and i have learnt to use it well as a left hander.
Always in my PSK is my Farmer SAK as a backup tool.
I have convex the edge it cut like a demon.
I use the back saw blade for scrap firesteel, very good.
I use the awl to make perfect holes in wood with no effort and faster and less energy comsuption than using my knife.
And you have canopener+tap opener+"drivers"+aluminium slabs that you can use as matches strike.
I must say that this SAK can do all my knifes can do expect batoming anyway you can use the saw to make cuts to split branches.
The only lack is corkscrew but you can use this trick, take the bottel and put a cloth in its botton, them hit the botton with the cloth against a wall in an horizontal hit so the wine :twisted: repeat the process and the hits will take cork out of bottel.
i have a rucksack,a champ,a mini champ,a spartan,an executive and a couple of mini promotional ones.
the champ and rucksack come with me no bush weekends,the spartan and mini to work and the others are in various kit bags somewhere. the locking blade on the rucksack is a good blade,good steel.was going to hang a door with my champ to see how long it would take me..... not very long!

Yes... 2... both Victorinox! A huntsman and an Outrider! When I buy one it just got to have a saw in it! :-D 8-) ;)
At least 10 at the moment ,i love em :lol:




Swiss champ is one of my EDC's.
The German army version is my latest ,it's larger blades are very useful especially the saw.
Blade has a liner lock but I'm not very keen on the serrated edge.
It's a Victorinox, but I have absolutely no clue what model it is. Perhaps someone here knows. Oh, no tweezers or pick. It's seen a lot of use over the years. Since this photo was taken, I've exchanged the attached Boy Scouts Hotspark ferro rod for a Scout Firesteel distributed by Kershaw.

I have the champ and the Swiss Army Tool. I looked long and hard at Leatherman, before deciding on the SA Tool. I got the one with the corkscrew and screwdriver bits. Liked the locking of ALL blades/tools feature which the Leatherman Wave lacks. Solidly built. Love my SAK and SA Tool. I don't leave home without one :)
Knife pundits seem to either look like Terminators or Grizzly Adams. I like SAKS because they fit nicely into both the old and new worlds. There is nothing more satisfying than opening a can or bottle, or even decanting a corked wine with a SAK while Rambo stands there slack jawed and gently bewildered with his MREs eviscerated by some Klingon dagger. Many people get along nicely with just a SAK for their outdoor knife. My 4" sheath knives to them are as overkill as the folks with big battle choppers to me. Few products become classic with worldwide recognition. SAK's, with all their shortcomings are one of those.
I currently have two of them. One little one with two blades, saw, scissors, tin and bottle oppener and a bigger locking blade one, the workchamp. I also lost one two years ago at the school outing (rest in peace) least it was up on a mountain where they was a little one, quite wide, with "camping" written on the side, I had go it for my 9th birthday with a pouch and chain, and it followed me everywhere....anyway, my Workchamp is better.


Little one (Huntsman it seems)

One I lost (Ranger)

The Huntsman is quite good, it's got all I *used* to need, two blades (one for food, one for other stuff) etc. But the blade doesn't lock, and two weeks ago I tried whittling after having read Hoodoo's site, and the blade closed itself on my finger when I was breaking a block of wood out...I'd used the small blade for more security but still cut was quite deep so it's still healing now (two weeks after).

I used to use the ranger for everything, the metal saw didn't get much use, but the chizzle and tiny screwdriver came in usefull sometimes. It also oppened quite a few tins, and one night that I was helping at the bar for a play my parents were in, there was no bottle oppener at that bar, so we (three of us at that bar) got out our penknives and oppened all the bear with them...quit alot of bottles, and it worked just as well as the "normal" bottle oppeners. It gave me quite a scar though, four stitches on my left index. Never cut a notch in wood when you're holding it in your hand.

The name of the Workchamp says it all, it's got a locking blade, a file/metal saw, pliars, a BIG saw, two "crosshead" screwdrivers, plus the other normal stuff (and a mini screwdriver in the corkscrew). The blade can do lots more than the little blade of the smaller versions, and it locks. The saw is much better than the smaller ones. The file never gets used. The bottle oppener, tin oppener and corkscrew work great (and the bigger handle improves them). The pliars have oppened doors (broken handle, person locked in, etc.), folded things back in place, lifted tins of ravioli off the fire, and done lots of other usefull things I can't even remember...The mini screwdriver has been used to repair a watch, glasses, and also a few electronic things. The tweezels are also regularly used...I use it everyday, and it's always in my pocket. It might seem a bit big, but since I've always got it with me I don't even notice it anymore. Oh yeah, we're aloud to bring them to school.

And picnics in the Alps aren't the same if the salami and cheese isn't cut with a swiss army knife :D

There's just something that gets me, why does Victorinox, a SWISS compagny, make knifes that are ILLEGAL IN SWITZELAND??? (it's illegal to carry a one hand oppening blade, and the blade on the biggies are just about to long)
Yes, I've cut my finger whittling with a SAK as well. Still got the scar. My old Champ model was used a great deal, and I agree with Sargey's comments.

One thing I would like to see is the spine of the saw rounded of. I press down with my index finger on it while in use and have had some nasty lacerations from it. Nothing deep, but not unlike paper cuts.

When I travel, so does my Swiss Champ.

I tried to cut the last '' of 2 fingers so the fingertips was hanging in the skin under.... ;) When i was 7... This was with a razor blade ;)
RovingArcher said:
Ok, ok, where can I pick up one of the new German issue SAKs? They are made by Victorinox, right? Thanks.

Yes ,made by Victorinox.
I got mine on evilbay but i checked and the seller does not have any at the moment.
Try here ,ear the bottom of the page.
There is also a civilian version of this knife and it has tooth pick and tweezers.
I got the army one simply because i collect military issue SAK's.

The Hunter by Victorinox. The main reason that I carry that particular blade is that it has the longest (and sharpest) sawblade in a folding knife on the market that I know of. It can easily cut through a 4" diameter trunk in just a minute or two.



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