Are you a GEARDO?

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Guilty. Better than I was but have frequent relapses. It’s torches with me, and knives. It was all sorts, I was on EDC Forums and, buying glow stuff, widgy bars, CountyComm stuff, Maratac stuff, tents, rucksacks, assorted bags, sleeping bags, paracord, keyring carry, pens, good paper pads. I’ve managed to sell a lot of it, I don’t get out in the tent much since we got the van. But the flipping torches, I just can’t help myself.:D
how many torches have you got?
How many of those torches are empty out containers for dead batteries? A discharged battery it’s a dead battery in my book.

(I have a thing about torches - they must work without a flicker whenever they are needed or tested.)
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How many of those torches are empty out containers for dead batteries? A discharged battery it’s a dead battery in my book.

(I have a thing about torches - they must work without a flicker whenever they are needed or tested.)
18650, 18500, 18350, 21700, 26650 or rechargeable Eneloop type all kept at full capacity. Nothing that takes standard lithium AAA or AA is stored with a cell in it. Li-ion are good for years stored with charge, anything not in a torch is in battery storage boxes by make/capacity. I’m embarrassingly fastidious about keeping them topped up. Luckily this thread has helped me to ‘come out’. :sunshine: :D

The original pic I took of the mini prybar got cropped, but it reveals further proof I fit the geardo category :)


In the MaxP is a Rite in the Rain pad, a Zebra FxMD, Sharpie marker, highlighter, Koh-I-Noor Versatil mechanical pencil. Who’d have guessed? :lol:
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Yeah, I stayed in touch with Jon Sydney Burley for a while as the troubled times came. He set off walking across America to go and get his dogs back, sleeping in fields, real Mark Twain traveller. Girl called Karen with a long username took over and the remainder of the team tried to help the guy out. That’s the last I heard of it, Jon became really ill, I’m not even sure if he’s alive. Shame, he was a good guy. I still have an ESSE3 that he sent me, brand new from the forum shop, for $40.
That's a shame, It's always sad when a good forum shuts down. I'd have been happy to host it on my server, Same with BB.

Anyway, I digress, Yes, I'm a Geardo, although I'm slowing down a lot, I had a realisation about aspirational purchasing that gave me some clarity :lmao:
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I heard the term GEARDO recently and it tickled me. It went on to say that the term is applied to those strange people who have huge amounts of gear and continue to accumulate even more. So there's the question; Are you? or are you not a geardo?
I have found myself going from being an absolute minimalist in terms of kit to an obsessive 'Geardo' recently. I've got more arrows than Robin Hood and his Merry men and still I keep buying more. This post is one of self awareness prompting me to stop needlessly spending. I bet loads of folk on here do the same x
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Ive got quite a bit but thats from Car boots; I cannot afford new.

And Im trying to get rid of stuff. I have no idea what the future may bring at the moment.
Have been but now recovering (except for coats).

Have not bought a knife or hillwalking item for at least 2 years except to replace a broken item but even then can’t remember if I have bought anything for that time.

Now except for fleece tops it just if it’s worn out I replace it only.
Nope. Not anymore.
I confess I had a lot; all the gear to fully equip a family of 5 up to and including large military tent with stove & fieldcots. I also had a lot of gear left over from my search for the right gear for me. Plus a bunch of military surplus gear.
I sold it all!
I am down to 1 kitted out daypack, 1 more or less kitted out larger framed backpack and some sleeping bags.
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You know the term Minimalist? Often someone who works in an office and doesn't need to carry much more than a laptop about.

The work I do requires quite a lot of tools on a day to day basis, plus I have a couple of motorbikes so theres1tools for them also.

Anyway, I prefer the term Maximalist to hoarder.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.