I recall seeing info on a precursor drug but don't remember the details - IIRC it kicks up the natural T production rather than replaces it.
Correct for it's all to do with easier ways of obtaining stuff where if the body is getting what it needs by way of the ingested or applied the body will shut down natural production and from what I hear of those on T well those on the three monthly jab report a decline for weeks before their next jab to be in effect 'hanging out ' for it. And yes the body can pick up again should the easier method of obtaining be curtailed but it will take time and time of blistering low production perhaps even worse than the pre med conditions.The problem with exogenous T is that your body responds by down-regulating T production so you may get stuck on it.
Have you seen the stuff Tim Ferris did to raise T levels naturally? https://brainflow.co/index.php/2019...terone-the-4-hour-body-testosterone-protocol/
A very good presentation, for myself to have shared to the Klinefelter communities of whom are usually stuck for information of this kind of quality, where incidentally, those initial tests measuring Testo, LH and FSH if the testo is low whilst LH and FSH are high one could find themselves being requested to undergo a karyotype test to determine what chromosomes one carries for all those symptoms of low T mentioned are also the core symptoms of Klinefelter syndrome of which usually features an extra chromosome thus providing reason why one may not be doing very well, to of course be treated with testosterone for KS patients to generally have no problem accessing the stuff. The thing is about Kinefelter Syndrome is that it's not rare, just rarely diagnosed and it's rarely diagnosed because few have ever even heard of it never mind know what to look for to diagnose it.For those interested