Accurate First Blood Knife. FULLSTOP.

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You should see the bushcraft/survival knives Andy is now making. They are something very special. I'll be doing a full review on it soon. Nothing to do with Rambo, but a fully practical handmade blade that should appeal to us folks. More soon....
The first blood knife is really attractive in some primitive way. I remember drooling over the early clones of it and the follow up movie knives during the early 90s. Like someone already said, I would rather bring a mora with me for surviving, but still, if you would do away with the round handle, and the huge saw teeth, and make it smaller. Maybe have it come with a next to useless plastic sheath with a weird belt loop for paper thin belts ... and have it cost £8 ... And here I am about to pull the trigger on an RTAK II :slap:
I must say that I have basically just rolled my eyes at these monsters, but this article has given me new perspective the knives. I had thought them to be trite and more than a bit gimmicky, but not so.
They are beautiful! A true piece of functional art. Well done and thank you for sharing your passion with us
You should see the bushcraft/survival knives Andy is now making. They are something very special. I'll be doing a full review on it soon. Nothing to do with Rambo, but a fully practical handmade blade that should appeal to us folks. More soon....

Your right there Jonathan, I was blown away when I saw what Andy has up his sleeve. Your also right it will appeal to many outdoors enthusiasts, and who better to do a review than yourself, your review on Andy's FB knife was very indepth. :-)
Yes, I remember David mentioning that. Its an awesome design, especially for its time.

I made a display for all my Rambo knives, this one for Andy's knife has rocks and leaves from Hope BC where most of the movie was shot. The fern and ivy are obviously fake. :-)

I would love one as a film fan for sure. It looks great and in movie terms is an iconic knife. It for me at least would only ever be a display item. Incidentally I recently heard that although those teeth can cut through the skin of an aircraft they would do nothing for skeleton of the craft rendering it pretty useless as an escape tool.
I would have no idea how this type of knife would actually fair in the field (although the blade isnt as big and cumbersome) as you would think, as I have never used the knife, however, I was led to believe that this movie knife was based on a US military pilots knife, then Jimmy Lile along with Stallone came up with what we see today. I think to sum up, is no matter what peoples views are on this type of hollow handle knife for field work, it's one of the most recogniseable knives in the world, maybe for all the wrong reasons, but its here to stay. :-)
I would love one as a film fan for sure. It looks great and in movie terms is an iconic knife. It for me at least would only ever be a display item. Incidentally I recently heard that although those teeth can cut through the skin of an aircraft they would do nothing for skeleton of the craft rendering it pretty useless as an escape tool.

Most modern (post 1950 or so) aircraft are monocogh anyway.
I guess there are no issues at all re the blade/hollow handle join. Not with this lavish attention to engineering everywhere else! Knife porn at its most destructive!
Cool. I'd love to actually use one hard to see what it could do.
To be honest I will not be replacing my forest axe and bushcraft knife for it as a tool. Its a stunning knife and really well made but as a working tool it has a lot of flaws, if someone wants a big knife as a user get a cold steel trailmaster or a fallky A2.
Here is a better vid of my Andy Wood knife. Apart from the small Victorinox knife, the contents is from a Vietnam era survival kit. :-)



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