Good stuff Fiona
Being vegetarian I admit I've been eyeing your meals with a bit of, "Ooooh, mebbe not....", but that looks tasty

Apples are good stuff, even crab apples are good cooked
With radish ? that sounds good
How are you feeling now that the forage diet is kind of settling in ? For Winter foraging you're finding an interesting range

A lot of them I wouldn't have thought of at all, though I do find a lot of 'greens' for salad round here.
I grow wheat, oats and barley, just small patches in the garden which is sodden wet

well, it's Lanarkshire, it's on fertile, but very heavy clay soil. I've never had ergot, thankfully, but it's definitely not to be trifled with carelessly. Ergotamine, as a processed drug has it's medicinal uses; and having had it, I can truthfully report that I will, never, ever, allow anyone to give me it again. It was truly awful. That was a measured dose too, no wonder folks died of it.
Thank you for posting