look, sorry, bit peeved in general here,

my tone in response wasnt necessary, sorry
you have been told what you need to do to ensure muscle growth at the gym, an adult needs approx 20-30gram of proteins daily for soft tissue repair. kids need a lot more (and in more complex forms due to soft tissue growth) if you are aiming to bulk up, then you need more as well, but it doesnt need to be as diverse necessarily, but does need to be easily absorbable, as like you say, you dont take it all in throguh the digestive tract. not only will the excess pass through, but it will geenrally slow transit. this is why things such as whey protiens are marketed, the belief you will absorb faster and easier.
fats take a long time due to being really quite difficult and needing a whole load more enzymes than other foods, those that dont have a bile duct for example, will not tolerate fats and they pass through in large quantities
most of what i see has been eaten here, is simple veg, quite processed (by that i mean pulped and cooked) which will digest quickly, the rest is shell fish and complex carbs, this will take around 2-3 hours
the reason we often get munchies is to do with the uppy downey of our blood sugars (within the normal range unless diabetic) that causes thoughts of hunger. due in the main to having high sugar diets. as said, sugar is a simple carb that is so easily absorbed, it even dissolves in water, not need for lots of funky enzymes to come pumping out of your liver to do the job. in addition we tend to eat far too much at sittings instead fo the more natural way of little and often.
i suspect that a fair bit of fluid has been consumed too, this will add to the reduction in hunger pangs
finally, the lowering of calorific intake will be levelling out, the first few days of the body suspecting a famine, it metabolises muscle as that is quick to do, around the 3rd day, fat metabolism starts in addition to the metabolic rate slowing to conserve fat stores
today is that third day