Those first 2 look really tasty, what a fantastic job.
Well done.
I just boiled them, shelled the meat out and added them to whatever. I just tried vary the whatever the best I can. I was going to do sorrel sauce tonight if I had to eat them yet again. They can be smoked or pickled to change the flavour. It is january, beggers cant be choosers. To be truthful I have ate more comfortably as the week as gone on. I think I could probably do alright in better weather without the shellfish now, but never know until you try eh!evening Fi, those dishes look the best so far, they could even temp me.
are there many ways to cook mussels ?
Heh Fiona, brilliant thread, really enjoying your journey, I guess the parsnips will quell your craving for sweet, but what's your thoughts on vitamins and minerals ? obviously long term.
Toddy, don't you ever get the craving for a rack of lamb or a dish of pigs trotters and mushy peas?
How much time are you spending collecting preparing, and cooking the food? (I take it, it's just you eating foraged foods) Just trying to work out how many kcal/hours are involved.
very good thread, i really don't know how i missed it until now?!?
regarding the lack of salt&condiments... do you find the food to be bland and unpalatable? or can you enjoy the natural taste of food?