2012 bcuk Arctic Expedition

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Such as? Cheers!

Hi mate,

Bought boots ( Matterhorn - bought squres of felt for insoles), Swedish army arctic smock and trousers, army reversible "thermal trousers - snugpacK a likes" second hand snugpak Antarctica re sleeping bag (may sell it on if it helps someone go), Brit army goretex bivi bag ( same deal). British army leather gloves (black) and after treating with snow proof ( off eBay) they were great. Submariners woolen socks from army surplus. Got a deal on a swanndri captains shirt. got goretex over mitts, didn't use them. Bought german moleskine insulated trousers which were fine under Swedish arctic trousers. Got British army gaiters.

Bought new thermarest, Swedish leather mitts from ray,s shop, ullafrote mitts as liners (actually cheaper than you think),

Already had knives, hats, fak, rucksack, snugpak sleek a jacket and a north face big down jacket and falke wool thermals.I also had snow goggles from skiing, but could have gotten eBay specials cheap for the amount I used them.

In the end, practically live in thermals, wool jumper, swandri shirt. Thermal leggings (2 pairs when it was really cold) thermal moleskines, 1 pair thin wool socks, 1 pair submarine socks, Matterhorn boots, wooly hat, army gloves. And over everything swedish arctic whites and goretex gaiters.

I suppose I could have got better gear but not better value, I changed a few bits the second time I went but essentially wore the same gear.

Pm me if anyone has questions,


I never really wore the north face jacket, but used the snugpak bits a lot when we stopped to rest etc.
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Thats the way I used it. The layers really work in the dry cold. It enables you to open and remove layers when hot and close up and add layers when cold. I did shove on a goretex Brit army jacket (again eBay) when it was blowing. The snugpak jacket and trousers were for hanging about in, and when we were out with the dog sleds. Over all the arctic whites were enough when moving about or doing things.

I regret not taking a brush, to brush boots and clothing off With.

Good luck to all who decide to go.

I managed to pick up a second hand (or should that be foot) pair of Baffin pac boots which I was going to use for any major yomping and wet snow stuff.

The kit list suggests a pair of trainers or some such for indoors and in tents but I'm thinking of making a pair of Mukluks, which I can use the pac boot liners in, for loafing around camp and any indoor stuff.

I don't own trainers so it seems a better option to me.

Hi wayland, I've seen some of your work on the site and it looks really good. Regarding the mukluks though, they are designed to be breathable and for dry cold. So perfect outside on the norway trip but you wouldn't wear them as your main indoor/tent boot as any snow or ice they do pick up will just melt into fabric and refreeze when you get them cold again.

Your Baffin boots will be perfect and just wearing socks or some light (nanok) overboots indoors will be fine.

By all means make the mukluks for outside though, I think you'd do a great job.

I did the trip with wastoid last year and another trip the year before, think that I have listed my kit on here before but will check and drop you a link.

Have fun.

Very tempted with this course. I havent done much bushcraft before.(did a trueways 5 day course last year) Also I am a bit worried about the flights. getting lost etc. I will be starting from staffordshire, can anyone help?????

We're all finding our way with regards flights, some of the Air schedules are not fixed for March 2012 until October 2011 which doesn't help.

The pick up will be at the airport and there will be a bunch of us there so that shouldn't be a problem, as for experience, I think a lot of use are newbies when it comes to this sort of thing, I don't think you'll have anything to worry about.
Anyone thinking of doing this should jump at the chance.
Having done this in 2010 with Woody and the crew I would recommend this to anyone even remotely interested in visiting the arctic circle.

Put it this way....never be lost for something to talk about ever again, absolutely guaranteed to come back with fabulous memories AND this is definitely a tick on the list of lifes todo's

Got loads of pics from the 2010 exped if anyone is interested.....if yes, I'll post the link.

Thoughts (IMHO)
What if I were doing this again? - I'd only be taking half the kit I took on the 2010 exped!
If you are thinking of a large ice jacket or 550 powerfill monster coat, (Which is what I did) total waste of time......great if you are stood still.....soon as you move you are sweating (Mind you I was 2 or 3 stone heavier back then....yikes).....go for layers and cotton...
Recommend, base layer, cotton shirt, wool jumper and single layer cotton snow smock type top layer.....it is too cold and dry to get wet...this approach allows you to make a hot start or cold start...and adjust your temperature on the move as the workload increases or decreases....i.e. hiking up a hill / through a patch of deep snow.

Boots - make sure they are roomy so you trap the air in the boots (Not expel it) between the layers of insulation and sock/s....tight fitting boots will make for cold spots....I had ice boots rated to -40....they were too warm and a little loose for hiking, I took the liners out each evening and dried them by the fire as they got damp....
The NF Nuptse down camp boots were a luxury around the camp.

Best single buy for the expedition...(IMHO) a down filled 9" LW 'Exped' sleeping mat, some folks complained of being cold (Which it was) I did not have this problem....There were absolutely no cold spots beneath me. Which makes for a good nights sleep, it is awful waking cold, so I am told...

Pack small heavy stuff in your carry on luggage (That you are allowed on as carry luggage).

Might be worth getting food shipped over as a group, in advance....just a thought.

That is all that springs to mind at the moment.
Enjoy the course, it will be awesome.

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ive got one question regarding travel,
i cant seem to find any flights on the 4th, how are you guys doing it, and only find flights for the 11th, how are you guys doing it?
I love an optimist...

I hope you are right, it's a great opportunity that may well not come around again. I'm very surprised that it is filling up so slowly but I'm also trying to decide what to do with a spare week that I am not taking bookings for.

I may well fly over there anyway and have a bit of an adventure on my own.
I have a nasty feeling that this is going to frustrate me! I was definitely booked on last years cancelled course but can't consider the upcoming courses for another month. It looks like the advanced is full and the basic won't happen again! Agghhh!!

Perhaps one for the mods and BE to consider - but how about running two 'advanced' weeks - since experience isn't required for the advanced I think this could work with the first week exploring different (intermediate?) skills to the second.

Having done, and loved the basic last year, there is very little chance that I would have gone straight onto the advanced without a break.
This is taxing stuff fellas ! I know I am getting on ( 47 ) but I have spent the last 9 years as a level 3 fitness instructor and personal trainer
And I was knackered ! Its Bloody cold ! All the time ! That realy takes it out of you, everything takes much, much longer and needs real cocentration
At all times.
That said, it was the best trip of my bushcrafting life !!
Hope it works out for you Bush Matt.
My best.
I love an optimist...

I hope you are right, it's a great opportunity that may well not come around again. I'm very surprised that it is filling up so slowly but I'm also trying to decide what to do with a spare week that I am not taking bookings for.

I may well fly over there anyway and have a bit of an adventure on my own.

im tempted to do the same (adventure on my own, but a little daunted by the fact I've never been anywhere colder than Germany in midwinter :eek:)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.