2012 bcuk Arctic Expedition

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
There's lots of people that say they want to do it, hopefully they'll get things sorted so they can, the sooner we've got the go ahead on expeds the sooner people can start planning and sorting kit....Get the word out people :D
TBH Gary, just being in Norway is the benefit. I love Norway. We did Arctic Training in the Scottish Highlands first and I got colder and wetter there. Basic everyday skills just involves learning about coping day to day in the environment i.e. contact gloves, wearing goggles/glasses when there is wind, heat management etc.

Even in March the weather will vary. In the same period (over 3 months) in 87 we had -40C to +5C!

I also remember not having a lot of kit issued to us. We were issued a cold weather "Falklands parka" a cold weather hat (which we weren't allowed to use the ear flaps of until it was -20C) and boots/gaiters (for the ski bindings) and mittens but nothing else. We already had chinese fighting suits and long johns though as part of the normal kit issue.

Boots are perplexing me at the mo. I don't want to spend much and mickey mouse boots might be a goer as the course(s) aren't physically challenging for extended periods.
I managed to pick up a second hand (or should that be foot) pair of Baffin pac boots which I was going to use for any major yomping and wet snow stuff.

The kit list suggests a pair of trainers or some such for indoors and in tents but I'm thinking of making a pair of Mukluks, which I can use the pac boot liners in, for loafing around camp and any indoor stuff.

I don't own trainers so it seems a better option to me.
i wish i could put the deposit down on this but im signed off sick atm so am low low low on cash.

how cold are we talkin here? the lowest here this winter was about -16 if its not much colder than that i dont think ill need much more kit so that would be one more think to spend on
It really does depend on the weather. -40C is not unusual but not the norm. If you are kitted out for -16C in the Scottish "wet" climate you should already have enough kit for the drier Arctic climate.
Movement and diet have a large contribution to add as well.

The only time I tend to get chilled in cold weather is when I'm standing around doing nothing (usually waiting by my camera tripod for some fleeting light). When I'm active as I suspect we will be for much of the time on this course, I'm often stripped down to just a couple of layers.

Keeping the body well fuelled up with high calorie foods helps a lot too.

As widu13 mentioned, the humidity is a big factor. The UK rarely gets the sort of dry cold that we are likely to encounter in Norway because of the Gulf Stream. In our damp climate we often feel the cold more.

The kit list that accompanies the course details looks very well thought out, if you can hit all the points on there you shouldn't go far wrong.

The only reason I'm making stuff at the moment is that I'm enjoying the excuse to make new gear. (As if I really need an excuse.)
should be sorted only have to get some thermals and a new roll mat as i let my one to a friends and he dropped it on a fire and it burnt to bits
Just found this cracking shot taken by wasteoid from the last expedition.


Hope he doesn't mind me linking it in here.
Wayland stop it, you are making me want to pack a bag and head out there now!

It looks amazing over there, really looking forward to this now.
That's nothing, I'm just taking a break from making yet more gear for this trip.

I can't remember the last time I looked forward to something this much.

I keep packing and unpacking my bergan to check I can get everything I want to take in and under the baggage allowances.

I wanted to be on 2010 but just couldn't afford it back then, I was still a bit skint when 2011 came around but I've been saving like mad to get on this one.

I just hope we get a few more bodies on this one so I can do both together.
Hi All

The following is an official list of all those that have paid their deposits for this expedition and consequently represent the numbers so far:

1. wayland

2. snijd005

3. skaus84
Wayland no problem using my shot mate.

If anyone is undecided, you won't regret it, we went up on the first expedition and had a ball. Woodys team were great. Bought most of my kit on the cheap on the bay.

Wasted ( chris )
Wayland no problem using my shot mate.

If anyone is undecided, you won't regret it, we went up on the first expedition and had a ball. Woodys team were great. Bought most of my kit on the cheap on the bay.

Wasted ( chris )

Such as? Cheers!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.