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  • cool isn't it : ) You can see it from our back garden and from my desk in the office its doesn't half shift : )

    have a look at this http://www.stellarium.org/ its the best freeware i've come across ever the constellation art work is superb
    Ello mateee i believe the +s indicat this peson is on your friends list. at least thats what i managed to deduce a while back.
    'Ere. What do these +s next to your name for? You, Darsha, Badger AND Dave have got one. Does it mean you're special needs? I want one!
    now then sussannah merry xmas and happy new year to u to also u and your sister going to the moot this year cos it wont be the same with out you darl
    hope all is okay and that you had a brill festive and new year season
    Your New Years Eve sounds wonderful.

    Take it you've been hit by the snow now. Just watching the news, some poor chap living on the edge of Saddleworth Moor had to be taken to hospital by air ambulance as the roads were impassable.

    On a lighter note, my mum and dad's neighbour asked them if they knew anywhere he could go sledging - he was equipped with a tin tray and a rubble sack.
    There is no snow in the city, just ice everywhere, it's awful. The moors (edge of the pennines) have a pretty thick blanket of snow though.

    The deep snow filled bit was a little gully - I always manage go the wrong way up there (even when there's no snow!) - I sprang through it like bambi.
    Hey, happy new year to you too. Managed to haul my butt outside today and headed for the hills. With hindsight, boots and gaiters would've been better than trainers in over the knee snowdrifts!
    alright then smarty pants. i was obviously not paying that much attention to where i was typing, innit?
    Have a good New Year, I hope it brings all your wishes and the good things you deserve.
    Yeah gran is quite old, 88 years to be precise, her hearing isn't as good as it was, but she also has problems with memory / dementia so we can't go having raging parties as she will hear them and the paranoia that goes with dementia also makes things an issue.
    Sounds like you're having a good time, Neil and I are having a more sedate crimbo, here at grans with mum. All is rather subdued for the minute.
    Hey thanks alot, hope you had a great Xmas! (sorry it's late I havent really been on).

    Have a great new year and I hope it brings you everything you want ;-)

    just give me a shout if there is anything I can do site wise,

    All the Best,
    Happy christmas to you too.
    And yes we do have the same avatar (our company logo!!)
    Yeah, Happy Christmas to you and yours.

    Sorry for the lateness of the reply, I was dealing with Family and hadn't got a chance to get on here.
    Merry Christmas Susannah! Hope you have some great days with the loved ones


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