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  • ....And then it started raining so the hippo was looking for somewhere to shelter, so it jumped over the fence into the compost heap (which was a sight in itself) and sheltered in the huge cavern in the compost that Mum had made some time before.

    I don't really know what happened after that because I started waking up.... but hey, who needs 3 word stories when you've got a relfy about? ;)
    I had a GREAT dream last night :)

    Instead of the black rabbit trying to get into the garden it was a pygmy hippo. And I was trying to compete in a swimming race. It was a relay race, except you didn't have to wait for the other person to get back before you jumped in, you could all jump in together! And although it was swimming, you still had to carry a baton in your mouth, except it was whatever baton shaped plastic thing you could lay your hands on - mine was a day-night flare. Lol. Anyway, because of the hippo, I had to keep getting dressed between races and coming to 'help' you and Mum try to work out what to do with it. That really just meant watching it from the bathroom window. And it was really cute as it was really just attracted to the exotic palm-plum-vine trees that Dad and I had planted a week or so before. In fact everything loved the fruit on those, we didnt even really get a look in....
    Hey i think i sussed why people get that pic of me when they search for 'bums big'. It must be that Ninja's fighting name. He he :) Yes that's definitely it.
    Man what a day. It was really good though. Learnt lots despite the feeling my head might drop off and roll away any moment. And the teacher was lovely and gave me really nice praise... And then went on to really criticise someone else, which made me feel awful but at least, oh she can't have just been saying the nice stuff to be nice then. :) Bed now! Oh yeah it was good going to dockers last night despite the bad head. I think they'd forgotten me a bit but now I'm working about 3 days a week till after Crimbo. :) Na night Sweet. X
    Yes, tell me about it. If it is arthritis like mine then you cry a bit and try and rebel and do stuff each time inflaming it. And then you decide once it feels better that perhaps you'll just do the necessary stuff so that at least you'll be able to do it for longer. Hence why I'm not into making bow drill work for me when hand drill is easier. And why i dont kayak regularly anymore. You weigh up whether the enjoyment you get is worth the pain and see if there are other ways to get that enjoyment without losing the use of your hands. Happily there usually is :) ... Thats part of why i live on my boat, because my old ways of being on water weren't working so well. What the heck I'm thinking going into boat painting i don't know! Its very hand intensive! But i guess I'll just do it till i cant :)
    Oh dear :( Welcome to the world of arthritic joints. Hopefully will get better in a few weeks. Try not to exaserbate it with more hare brained projects :) xx
    Ugh. That was a mistake. I went up the dockers last night for a swift one and sort my hours out. Forgot that being the barmaid means everyone wants to get you drunk. But I've gotta go to college in an hour for the once-a-term all day workshop... he he... Reckon when i actually start seeing people professionally i better organise my drinking habits a bit better. Though it should make for some interesting free-association in role plays today! Lol. Right, i better get up. Did Roger incorporate bowdrill into this morning's dawn chorus? :)
    I think they need more blood to supply The Matrix or something... ;) hehe.

    No its just cos I can't wake up in the morning at the moment so they are checking to see if I'm anaemic, but then Dr Higgs got all excited about the haemochromotosis story, so I have a feeling he's going to investigate that too.
    Well the nurse was a good one and got the right spot first time :) phew

    I think Roger's problem sounds like he'll need live-in 24 hour professional support for atleast a month. :D
    Well Ron leant me his solder iron so don't panic chrimbo in hand! He gave me some solder too which was nice of him :) I gotta go get all my blood sucked out by some hard nosed nurse tomorrow :(
    I'm intrigued by this scare by the postman.... You weren't dancing round the well with nothing on but your wellies again were you...?
    That's weird. I was remembering today about being left for two days on my own to do the lambing. Couldn't understand where that came from but now i know, we have a psychic link :) he he. Hope nothing goes wrong. Still, if you have to get the vet, make sure its the dishy one ;)
    I just wrote a winge about my poorly shin but i wrote it in wrong (my) section. Darn it. You'll have to manage without, poor you :)
    Oh yes ill need to do the boat's bottom too he he. :D
    Crimbo? Now that'd be telling! ... You dont know anyone up here i can borrow a soldering iron off, do you though? ;)
    What i need is a rich benefactor who believes in me as an INFJ, to sponsor me through the next 3-6 years. hen I'll do whatever anyone wants, work with murderers, abusers, victims, addicts, i don't mind if its hard cos it'd be right, then. But it'd be nice to have a rich benefactor to help me along now :) he he
    Aw :) thanks Sis, thats really sweet! I'm really just worrying how im gonna pay to get my bottom blacked in the spring, mooring fees etc. Gotta learn not to worry until its properly time! Lots can happen between now and then, but cos i'm twiddling my thumbs a bit, i've got time to think too much. :)
    Oh that'll be nice. You'll get to know what interesting diseases all Newlyn has to offer :) I'm a bit skint actually. Can't paint cos not ready. Geoff hasn't started school yet. Lindsay not gone on maternity yet... No point actually getting a job for such a small gap, but gotta eat too. I'm just seeing it as making space for Christmas :) Tho was actually thinking of sending my hydro-zoology CV to Slimbridge. They have a consultancy that builds wetlands overseas. Which sounds lovely. But its not what i want at the moment.
    Yep all settled.....an' FULL o' energy!....forgot what it was like t' have little 'uns...lol
    Sellin' DRUGS!...not come t' that already has it!..lmao...cool...gold fer crimble..just in time aye.
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