Variation on a Bow saw. My own design

monkey spanner

Jul 4, 2010
Hi Biker

Check this out,made from wood "in the round"



Jul 19, 2011
that thing looks awesome, much better than that cold commercial metal thing in the link, plus i love the way it packs up, was that carefully thought out or a bit of a happy accident, might have to have a go at one of these at work tomorrow


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
that thing looks awesome, much better than that cold commercial metal thing in the link, plus i love the way it packs up, was that carefully thought out or a bit of a happy accident, might have to have a go at one of these at work tomorrow

Today Europe, tomorrow the world! Muhahahahahahahaa! (strokes white persian cat wearing a black leather glove)

Do I have delusions of grandeur? Hmmm I think so. Anyway be sure to show your results, I'd love to see it.

monkey spanner

Jul 4, 2010
if you used bow knocks to keep your tension cord in place

Hi Southey

Yeah it has bow knocks, but they just don't show in the photo.
I need to work on my camera skill's.

Once you tighten that bad boy up, it cut's like billy-oh.

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Ah hahaha I see them now dude, I wonder if it would be possible to manufacture with wooden pegs for the pivot( though it might need one spar being through the centre of the other to reduce side ways pressure) and blade pegs,


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
biker,you're a genius!

Funny that my best mate says the same thing but there's a distinct pause between syllables. So it sounds more like Genie-ar$e!

Thanks for saying so flexo. Used my saw the other day to cut up some seasoned birch logs 5 inch diameter, sailed through them with ease and no buckling, twisting etc. Not that I expected it to.

monkey spanner

Jul 4, 2010
Hey that's pretty bloody cool! As far as I know that's the second one in existance! you could sell that on ebay, they're that rare LOL!

So how did it perform? Well I hope.

I'm chuffed to bits you made it too. Thanks!

I hope your talking to me Biker !

Anyhoo the trick is to get the flat bit's lined up nice & square.
Once it's tightened up nice & tight it keep's it's shape perfectly, & cut's like a shop bought saw.
It only take's about 20 min's to make, the one in the photo is the third one I've made, good job I remembered my camera this time.
Carrying a 24" blade with 1/2 a dozen screw's taped to it save's a ton of weight & quite a bit of space, if you can get away with only carrying 3 screw's & not lose one, then you can save a few more gram's.
Great idea mate.

At a resent meet with the lad's I got some strange look's & some comments like "that wont work", after I showed them haw good it was, they picked up their jaw's & was queuing up to have a go, I didn't have to cut up any fire wood : )
Top tool, one of the best.

Thank's for the idea.

Cheer's Paul


Sep 15, 2008
Today Europe, tomorrow the world! Muhahahahahahahaa! (strokes white persian cat wearing a black leather glove)

Do I have delusions of grandeur? Hmmm I think so. Anyway be sure to show your results, I'd love to see it.

I must say I like your design, excellent thinking, easy and lightweight and as can be seen be assembled from foraged materials. I consider trying to put it togetherr without screws, tying the blade to the frame somehow, as well as tying the wood together. That way there'd be no risk losing the bolts, just take another piece of string.
What I can't figure out however is how you got your cat to wear a black leather glove ;)


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