What will Ray do next??

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Full Member
Jan 14, 2006
I think i speak for everybody when i say that we are all (to one degree or another) fans of the great Mr Mears. However having bought all the books, and seen all the programmes on countless occasions i cannot help but wonder what the man can do next?

I did hear him talk of a new "secret" project he was making on a recent Radio 1 interview but i fail to see which avenues he is left to explore without repeating any of the previous shows?

More to the point, what would you like to see him do next? Maybe a "Survivorman" style show where he is left to his own devices for several days with only basic supplies and a handycam?

What is there left??

Dan :D
i am probably going to get lynched. But i dont see him doing a survivorman, maybe a series with him alone and a few essentials but not like les stroud and being in actual danger.

In all fairness, he has SFA to prove or the need to improve, i wish i knew 10% of what he has forgotten
i am probably going to get lynched. But i dont see him doing a survivorman, maybe a series with him alone and a few essentials but not like les stroud and being in actual danger.

In all fairness, he has SFA to prove or the need to improve, i wish i knew 10% of what he has forgotten

totaly agree mate.
its not a case of him having to proove anything to anybody, its a case of wondering what he will do as a subject for his next tv show, or do we feel that he'll just kind of repeat himself and give us more of what we love??
I think i saw a series where Jamie Oliver chef took some hard up people from the streets of london(?) where he grew up, gave them tasks to do with end prize being to work as a chef for him.

Maybes something along those lines with disadvantaged teenagers or something with the goal of being a trained by ray mears instructor or something.

along the lines of "this week ned jay and bob where given the task off, starting fire with bow drill...."

would he really be dead laid back or be like OMFG that was my GOOD KNIFE!

Stooby, you got ther before me LOL

Seeing him train people would be cool. I would love to see him put all his skills in action. Basically throw him into a forrest and come back to see how many ikea superstores he has built.
yes Id like to see a programe, hosted by anyone engaging people in bushcraft who might not otherwise experience it. hell, id apply to be on it meself!
I remember the series bootcamp where they took difficult teens on a trek through america, lighting fires and alike. a lot of them hated it, but it does seem to get through to them - learning skills being independent and not doing things simply to fit in with a group of mates.
Or perhaps something like a "what not to wear"-type show?
People who call themselves ....experts.... (thread mixing is so much fun) but aren't and then mr Mears show them the light? made by a bowdrillfire?

Basically him teaching other people. There is indeed nothing much "new" that he can bring i reckon.
A blue peter style, approach "today we have a ikea drainer, a morrisons biscuit tin etc

And heres one i made earlier HOBO Stove."

although im sure Ray gets lots of free toys as would be marketing teams wet dream to have him be seen using one of their products so no need to ruff it with home made jobs
I know what he is going to do. He's going to be the first man who found water and got the fire going on Mars. :-) Extreme survival: Mars :-)
I'm thinking he'll perhaps do something uk based and perhaps with animals. Tracking and stuff. Perhaps with a new book on uk animals their signs and tracks. With sections on game and wild animal foods. Dunno - but seems like a good follow up to wild food
Well at the talk he did in Cheshire a while ago, he said he's working on a series about an ' explorer ' he has held in the highest regard. He's wanted to make the series for some time and basically told the BBC that if they didnt let him do it, then he would walk. He said it will come out sometime next year and thats all he would say.

Forgive me if this is already common knowledge.


Didn't know about that, sounds like it could be quite interesting. Famous explorers then. Could be Shackleton or Scott, although I think the latter has been done quite a few times by now. Maybe Livingstone?

As for Mors on Mars, I heard Mors did an excellent mini talk on the dangers of farts on the International Space Station! (I haven't made that up either!) Maybe he has first hand knowledge!

yes Id like to see a programe, hosted by anyone engaging people in bushcraft who might not otherwise experience it. hell, id apply to be on it meself!
I remember the series bootcamp where they took difficult teens on a trek through america, lighting fires and alike. a lot of them hated it, but it does seem to get through to them - learning skills being independent and not doing things simply to fit in with a group of mates.

I think your meaning 'Bratcamp' yeah? That's my ultimate goal; to do a brit based, bushcraft expedition school for young offenders and disadvantaged youngsters. Thats part of my 'five year plan'. I've worked with young offenders since 2003 and i start my Social Work degree in September. Three years down the line, i'll be qualified and i can look towards starting something. That Ray Mears fella better not copy my idea or there will be trouble!:nono:
I feel a right idiot cos although ive read a couple of his books, ive never seen him on telly.

But from what ive read, the guy knows his stuff
Isn`t he doing something about the last remote places left on our planet, I heard he was definitely doing some lectures on this subject so perhaps a book and TV series will follow :dunno:

I think he should retire and let another take his place (or even produce a show instead of being the front man) but not BG unless he seriously sorts his act out. He's obviously had enough of tv going by the last two series which he only managed to eke out to four episodes when the subject material can merit a much wider scope. the guy needs a break so he can recharge and hopefully refocus but probably his publicist is afraid he'll drop out of public awareness so has to do something new every year. the tv people probably dont help.

if anything he should go private and produce some proper instructional dvd's like they have finally done with lofty wiseman. if his knowledge is truly encyclopedic then he should document it before its lost.

there's no wholesale market out there for him to exploit. in the same way we all watch top gear for the stunts and general humour but are never likely to buy a super car. his programs are made to appeal to the masses which is why you all complain about them for not having enough detail, even the books are watered down compared to his first one. a true hour long bushcraft show would be boring as hell I reckon unless its part of an open university program schedule so some 10min slots in country file might work.

if he reads this then no offense but go back to woodlore and back to teaching normal people or sign up to a university and teach it as a subject - it obviously works for people like mors who get great satisfaction from working with young people and adults alike. money isn't everything neither is fame.

right I'm hiding behind the sofa and I've turned the lights off so you cant see me to throw things at :)


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