What have you done for the Environment Today?

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The nice thing about being an engineer if I get the have positive impacts at the factory. I'm replacing some very old compressors on site which should reduce the CO2 emissions by 1700 tons per year. I'm not sure what the view from outside industry of us is but for every task we do in project engineering we are always asking how can we reduce the environmental impact of our site.
Well I am in the environmental sector so luckily, I do something for the environment and human health every day....so let's see I was an author on air quality for the UK, including policy and acts. Currently right now I am working on safe guarding raw water for human resource and environment, looking forward 50 years ahead....
Great thread, don't know how I missed this. I haven't really done much for the environment today to be honest, I pulled some recycling out of a bin that was destined for land fill at work.... does that count?

I regularly take rubbish from the trail. It's quite bad locally, sometimes I have to prioritize taking plastic instead of metal as I don't have the space for it all. I figure metal is the least harmful when biodegrading, hopefully?

Sometimes though, I get the feeling that taking rubbish almost feeds the littering habit, I wonder if people think that they can litter because some magical rubbish fairy is picking up the crumbs behind them. The reality is it's a bedraggled, rough looking Ray Mears wannabe... :D
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...I regularly take rubbish from the trail...

... Sometimes though, I get the feeling that taking rubbish almost feeds the littering habit, I wonder if people think that they can litter because some magical rubbish fairy is picking up the crumbs behind them. The reality is it's a bedraggled, rough looking Ray Mears wannabe... :D

It's great that you do that, punkrockcaveman!

We have a similar problem in the US with dog poop. People go through the trouble of bagging their dog's poop (as required in many wild spaces) but then leave the bags sitting by the side of the trail!

The result is funny trail signs like this:

There is no Poop Fairy!

- Woodsorrel
A few weeks ago planted some acorns and chestnuts in a pot with a view to planting them out somewhere in the local area in a year or two time when they are big enough.
Today I made some wax wraps to use in the kitchen instead of clingfilm. Made a few extras for xmas presents.
Have just finished knitting cotton dish cloths to go with the wax wraps.
Made a load of xmas cards to supplement the bought ones left over from last year, using last years old cards as I didn't throw them away.
Have been knitting xmas tree decorations from odds and ends of wool.
I think that's enough for now! :)
We're buying a house with solar panels so my partner who works from home will be using sun power to work. We could have bought the house next door to the one we're buying for £5I less but I wanted the solar power. Does that count?

We're also hoping to take advantage of any green deal government grant we can for insulation or other that we can get.

Of course there were a few houses for sale with an epc of 99! They would have been a greener option but they were too small, expensive and not where we want to live. They're those types of houses where the epc also records how much airflow leakage they have, or something like that. There's a special name for those houses.
Managing forest for the last several days, in this case cutting down spruce in the hundreds. If not done (in my old growth forest) there would be an impenetrable thicket in 15 years and I don't want that. It is keeping the forest in slightly man made condition but it is still nowhere near a park.
I shot a grey squirrel in the garden (absolute plague - probably shooting two per week on average for the last few years), and stuck a hot water bottle in our garden compost 'hot bin' to try to kick start it and finally get it composting at higher than ambient air temperature!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.