Entirely self sufficient mustard

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British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
A good while ago I wrote a thread here about self sufficient mustard (https://bushcraftuk.com/community/i...ficiency-a-jar-of-mustard-the-hard-way.33457/).

We are still doing it, but now we produce all the ingredients ourselves, including vinegar.

We've made a two part video series on our efforts. This, the first covers how we grow, thresh, screen and winnow our own mustard seed. The second will cover three different mustard recipe traditions.

I have to admit when I saw the title I clicked on the thread thinking of the vegetable, mustard greens. Nonetheless I’ve saved that video to watch later.
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I regularly grow mustard and cress as a windowsill salad. Maybe I'll have a go at not eating it at seedling stage and letting a few plants grow on in a pot to grow my own seed.
Now why did I not think of this years ago instead of keep buying packets of mustard seed and cress seed!
(Smacks forehead with palm of hand!)ouch!
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There are all sorts of mustards , Cruciferae to be precise, which are gown in huge quantities in Western Canada.
It pleases me no end to watch a home grown enterprise finish with such a clean result.
Such clear instructions for a bed of mustard seed.
Just had time to watch. Awesome as usual. Apparently though the plant itself is different from mustard greens.
It is
There are all sorts of mustards , Cruciferae to be precise, which are gown in huge quantities in Western Canada.
It pleases me no end to watch a home grown enterprise finish with such a clean result.
Such clear instructions for a bed of mustard seed.
Thank you!
For those who would like to see what we do with the mustard seed, here are three recipes for

English mustard
Wholegrain mustard
American style hotdog mustard

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You should make an Austrian one called Kremser mustard.

Goes extremely well with home made Wiener sausages, or any sausages, even the british ones.

Mustard must be one of the most versatile condiments on this planet!
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The turnip ( same family) is from the western parts of Eurasia I think.
@Toddy can answer your question I think.

The Romans liked mustard. Unless they used horseradish seed.
I had a very large patch of feral horseradish in Sweden, and made ‘mustard’ from the seeds a couple of times.
My thinking is to follow the lead from British Red for the mustard.
To buy the seed here, grown here, is very economical. Making the mustard paste will be fun.

I have Polish horseradish. Should never have been planted.
I got it dug out of the garden but some fool (not me) replanted some beyond the back fence in the alley.
Nearly poisonous stuff, it is.
Polish horseradish is exactly that = horseradish from Poland.
Makes your eyes water and you have done nothing with it.
I have at least half a dozen mustards in the fridge. I know where my allegiance lies.
It took me 10 yrs to kill the horseradish that was in my garden when I moved in.! Think I've got it now.
I have a lovely bed of day lilly there at present. Decorates a salad beautifully. Edible flowers.
I hate.... no loath horseradish! And mine was so full on, your eyes were burning just digging the stuff up.
Partner tried to prepare it once... only once, as he professed to like it.
He had to give up, he could barely breath and had swollen eyes, tears running down his face!
He used to make it with the stuff from his dad's garden no problem.
Evil stuff!!!!

When do you start your mustard seedlings off British Red? I don't have a greenhouse so would appreciate a tip or two about growing this in the garden rather than as a windowsill salad crops. Did you say in your video? If you did sorry! Memory is not what it was!
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