Righto - on to the baked bean sauce. The most likely contender I found when researching a "proper Heinz beans" recipe was this one
I have pretty much used their recipe with a couple of adaptations to my taste.
You will need
1200 ml crushed tomatoes (Three large tins or two pints i you can your own)
2 tablespoons olive oil
Large handful of mixed herbs (rosemary, sage)
2 - 3 cloves garlic
1 large onion
2 cloves
4 tbs Worcester sauce
1rsp "Flaming Arrow" hot sauce (or two of Tabasco)
1/4 pint of Muscovado raw cane sugar
1 tsp Sea Salt
750g beans (I split the sauce over 375g of Ductch brown and the same weight of Cannellini)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda (bicarb of soda) - which I did not need but you may if the beans are older
Sauce Ingredients by
British Red, on Flickr
Peel and finely mince the garlic and finely chop the herbs and put them together in a bowl
Chopped Herbs by
British Red, on Flickr
Combine the Worcester and Flaming Arrow Sauces with the salt and cloves and sugar in another bowl
Combined Ingredients by
British Red, on Flickr
Finely chop the onion and sautee or five minutes in the olive oil
Diced Onion and Olive Oil by
British Red, on Flickr
Add the herbs and garlic and sautee for another five minutes gently
Sauteed Garlic and Herb by
British Red, on Flickr
Add the tomatoes and sauces, cloves, sugar and salt. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook for 20 minutes
Tomato Added by
British Red, on Flickr
Leave to cool and then puree to smooth in a blender
Pureed Sauce by
British Red, on Flickr
Pour the sauce over the beans and cook gently for 45 minutes
Cooked Dutch Brown Baked Beans by
British Red, on Flickr
Cooked Cannelini Baked Beans by
British Red, on Flickr
Leave to cool and they can be stored in the fridge or frozen or canned (if canning, reduce the time of cooking in the sauce as they will cook in the pressure canner)
Finished Baked Beans by
British Red, on Flickr
The results?
Well both taste pretty fine. For me the Dutch Brown are shorter, fatter and more finely textured, so they win on points, but either are fine from a taste perspective. I will check with the taste panel at the weekend