[CLOSED FOR NEW ORDERS] Bushlite Candle Lamp Group Buy - Round 1

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Mine must have arrived early this morning before the Mrs went to work (i'm on nights) It was waiting for me when I got up just. The red Bushlite is the star of the show it looks really classy and mine at least seems to be much more solid and better built than its Brass brother that I also have (which seems quite wobbly in comparison). The deluxe bag was probably something I should have left off the buy list as quite frankly it is a bit crap but you live and learn. All in all I am very happy to have these two lamps as they have been on my want list for years. Many thanks to The_Taffinch for organising this complicated group buy. Now I just need to look up how to put the reflector on!
Well I have just had a half hour play with my Bushlites. I realise now that the "wobbly" brass lamp is much easier to live with as it breaks down so much easier. My much tighter red one really puts the fear of god into me as I try and break it down as you are convinced the glass is going to break. You do have to practice taking them down as each time it gets a little more intuitive and you kind of build up a press, tilt and twist motion. I brought down my brass UCO to compare and the UCO wins hands down in usability (this opinion may change as I get more used to the Bushlite). On the positive side the Bushlite seems to be made of stronger materials and of course the massive plus side is the cheap candles. I find I hardly use my UCO due to my natural meanness with money. I hate paying so much for just a bit of wax. The last problem I encountered was fitting the reflector. Wow what a pain in the bum. It just kept falling out of position when closing the lamp down. The good news is that now it is in position it looks like it can just stay in place long term. My point for posting this is that you need to expect at least some learning curve with these lights so keep calm and carry on!!

Received today. Took a few minutes to figure out how to install the reflector.... Still not sure if i did it the correct way lol
Mine arrived today, Thank you for the effort in the group buy, always been on my list to buy, now I ve done it I am glad I ve got one as I needed another Candle lamp, I have to say I agree with the comments about the UCO being better in my opinion, the UCO seems to be a bit sturdier then the Bushlite and does not wobble about.

Great group Buy Bud :)
A few people have mentioned that they struggle to collapse the Bushlite and are afraid that they may apply too much pressure.

Before depressing the 3 tabs, lift the glass up slightly to the limit of the lid, therefore leaving a small gap at the bottom. The tabs then depress easily without putting pressure on the glass and it slides closed smoothly.

Hope that helps.
Just saw these in IKEA, 20 candles for £4.50: they are exactly the same diameter (22mm) and almost twice the height - the one in the bushlite about 10.5cm and the IKEA ones are 19cm tall; so you can cut them in half and have 40 candles for £4.50 - surely you can't go wrong with this price?

Just saw these in IKEA, 20 candles for £4.50: they are exactly the same diameter (22mm) and almost twice the height - the one in the bushlite about 10.5cm and the IKEA ones are 19cm tall; so you can cut them in half and have 40 candles for £4.50 - surely you can't go wrong with this price?


Great spot!! I Always buy the cheap quid non stick fry pan whenever I got in ikea, looks like I will be buying candles now too!!

My house will be full of frying pans and candles lol

Luckily the nearest ikea is 60 miles away lol

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A few people have mentioned that they struggle to collapse the Bushlite and are afraid that they may apply too much pressure.

Before depressing the 3 tabs, lift the glass up slightly to the limit of the lid, therefore leaving a small gap at the bottom. The tabs then depress easily without putting pressure on the glass and it slides closed smoothly.

Hope that helps.

That is true of my brass one but my red one is still quite tricky. You have to do a three part technique to lower it. As you say lift the glass depress the brass struts and then tilt and twist them.
That is true of my brass one but my red one is still quite tricky. You have to do a three part technique to lower it. As you say lift the glass depress the brass struts and then tilt and twist them.

You make it sound like they have been made in the 3rd World or something, these are precision engineered bits of kit don't you know, tolerances are very fine! :lmao:
Hi All,

Glad to see they're arriving and that generally everyone is happy with them. My thoughts agree in that the brass one is solid metal but the top bit can be a bit wobbly when it opens (seems fine in action though). The red one is very sturdy but fiddly to compress (thanks for good tips on closing technique). The bag is a bit pants, but does fit two lamps in snug and stops them rolling about. Haven't tried fitting a reflector yet...I've got that joy to come. But I think they are a nice thing to own and good that they use a conventional candle. I am off out for a camp this Saturday so I will get the chance to see how it performs in the 'wild'.

Tip from me, make sure you securely click the bayonet lock mechanism on the silver candle tube into place when fitting the candle...when I used mine the other day I hadn't done this and a couple of minutes after I'd lit the thing shot up, extinguished the flame, and showered hot wax all over the lamp glass!

Can I ask, who has not received their items yet?

Kind regards,
Oh I did have to laugh, that is one way of putting a candle out. :lmao:

I have them all safe and sound. Thanks so much Matt., this was not an easy GB for you by any means, your efforts are appreciated. Good to see it all turned out well in the end. I am still interested in replacement glasses and possibly one or two more lamps if you are left with spares.

I'm looking forward to using these in anger, a couple up the NC at the Moot I hope.

I will pass on three to their new homes soon, I'm sure they will be well enjoyed.

Ta, Phil


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