I like your thinking
That was what you meant wasn't it?
I did specify a working farm/ranch girl. As in one who grew up on a farm/ranch, and actively working that farm/ranch. But it can also apply to that other version. The qualities (strength, intelligence, perseverence, resilliance, and "toughness") cross many professions with women (as well as with some men).
What I would not want along would be a pampered prima dona who's sole "survival" skill is whining out orders! If she can't take care of herself, or learn to do so, then any other ... benefits ... of having her along aren't worth it.
But then, I'm one of those ... crass Americans ... who believe people are defined by what they do instead of who they think they were born into.
Mikey - that grumpy ol' German blacksmith out in the Hinterlands
p.s. Potable water is not guarantied, even with a well. And boiling water to meet one's daily needs takes a lot of fuel, and the time/energy to collect it. A few minutes using a filter/purifier vs. one to two hours spent gathering fuel and boiling that water. It's a trade-off I would willingly make to pack along that filter/purifier.