Here's a quick sequence. I was walking in long grass an saw a grasshopper leap into a web of a 4-spot spider, and stick. Grasshoppers are quite capable of kicking free of a spider web if left unmolested, so the spider attacked instantly, and I got to witness the battle.
If the spider can wrap the grasshopper in silk then the struggle is over, but the grasshopper is a powerful insect, capable of doing serious damage to the spider with kicks from its hind legs. The spider is trying to trail dense swathes of silk around the insect to immobilise it, and won't risk getting close enough to bite until then,
Here the grasshopper has kicked hard, but is still caught in the web, and the spider has managed to get some silk around it, but not enough to immobilise it.
The battle is over. The grasshopper has been wrapped with enough silk to permanently prevent its escape, so the spider is able to handle it safely. After this shot the spider wrapped the prey a little more, then carried it suspended on a silk line up and out of the prey-capture web back to the spider's retreat, where the prey was bitten and killed.
Now that's what I call a packed lunch!